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Posts posted by Bdecker

  1. @mcsd1992 - I have a friend who upgraded an anniversary edition 08. He definitely swapped the ECM and I think it adds another $500-1000. Someone else has that boat now, but I’m sure @BuoyChaser could help you out.
  2. I believe the OP @jercrane has a unique issue with an overzealous marine patrol agent chasing him on “rated capacity” on the coast guard plate. Only the SN is rated 9, all of the others are at 7. Growing up we had a marine patrol guy living on the lake. Lou could make your life hell if he wanted too!
  3. @jercrane - don’t throw in the towel yet! The saddlebags do a nice job of addressing the skis which will make the boat feel roomier as you are tripping over things. They drive and ski great, but all tournament open bows take some vigilance in wakesurf infested waters. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday am.
  4. @whitecaps - I ski ZO almost exclusively, but at the end of each season I bring the 05 197 with zbox down from the big public lake course to the pond to give it a rip. I’m sure there are some very minor differences, but honestly I don’t notice them any more than the differences from one ZO boat to another. It’s not the real thing, but if you want to get close without replacing your boat the folks at perfectpass have done a very good job in my opinion.
  5. I have used a number of methods over the years including a pretty long haul on a row boat. Last season was my first try with the inner tube method and it was so easy. I think we used six truck tubes.
  6. @skierj - I am curious if the ZO automatically adjusts line length in tournament mode or if you input at every pass. With ZBS and opt-up options I suspect it is the latter. Do the micro-tuners in the wrong position constitute a valid reason for a re-ride?


    Very excited to ski/drive the new boat.

  7. @escmanaze - you are correct. Not sure how many sold retail from the dealer but the msrp on our CarbonPro was in the $70k+ range back in 2016 with the upgraded motor, gel coat, cold weather pack, stereo, etc... That said, I don’t think there is a magic number at which people will stop thinking used/ repower/ Z-Box and buy a brand new boat. So while the CP wasn’t close to $40k out the door, my guess is you would’ve been out the door $10-20k less than a comparably equipped Nautique or Mastercraft.


    I’m hoping someday it finally gets the respect it deserves in the resale market and the values sky-rocket like air-cooled Porsches. That is probably a similar fantasy to thinking a $35k slalom boat is going to be brought to market.

  8. Could it be done, maybe. Is there a viable and profitable market for it, no way. Centurion proved that the market for a specialty boat at a lower price point without one of 3 names on the side doesn’t have enough market to justify the opportunity cost of producing it. I love our CarbonPro btw!


    You can now buy a carbon infused, closed bow boat with presumably a great slalom wake, PCM motor and sea deck floors for twice the price! Maybe centurion just missed the boat on the iPad controls.

  9. I’ve towed with my TJ Unlimited and for a 10 mile trip I’d be comfortable, especially if you can avoid the highways. Mine actually has a 4K rating.


    I use low range on the ramp simply because it seems easier on the drivetrain. Definitely have a driver in the boat, and I wouldn’t try a super steep ramp.


    I have access to a number of superior tow vehicles and don’t move boats around that much. If that is similar to your situation, a Jeep is a lot of fun in the summer. Wouldn’t be my choice as a commuter though.



  10. @MISkier - send me a pm with your email and I’ll send you the master plan (xls doc). It’s about $500 in materials and the guy who developed it was very precise in his descriptions. He’s given me permission to share with anyone who wants it.
  11. @jcamp makes a great point. I went through the public hearing witch hunt for a WallyCourse I installed many years ago. Frankly, they made it so difficult to comply that I gave up, moved the course and went to a individual anchor approach with pulleys to sink it.


    Ironically, “the best fishing spot” on the lake was right under the original location, but I rarely see fishermen ever since I went through the effort to move it. Now by the time I get the buoys up, typically the window has closed.

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