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Posts posted by rayn

  1. +1 on Jenny Labawesome. Been working with her for 3 years and every year I feel like i am in better shape than the year before. As @Razorskier1‌ says it is not necessary about improved ball count, although it does help, it is about the ability to ski more, be more durable and reduce the injury count. You could argue that it is not cross-fit, but based on cross-fit principals but specialized to you and our sport. BTW: @Razorskier1‌ How did you like your present of 12 days of christmas from Ms. Labaw.
  2. Two things other things to look at - Thermostat (My boat would run cool under 130-140 and that would cause hesitation) - Computer - sometimes it gets jammed up and you have to replace(Mine was caused by having the key in the on position and putting the battery in-gave the computer a good shock). You need a dealer with the right cable and computer or you could get the winky blinky from skidim.com - Good Luck
  3. There are a lot of factors with skiing well at ski school that you can't duplicate at home.


    First off you are getting expert coaching on each pass, so your bad little habits are not creeping back in. So by the time you ski your PB, you are really at your best.


    Second - you are at ski school so all you are doing is skiing, getting coached, hearing others getting coached and talking about skiing - not driving, coaching others, rushing off to work, school, kids stuff etc.


    Third - Conditions at ski school are usually uniformly good.


    I would agree maybe they slow the boat down the first try or to get you over the hump on a particular pass or give you the ski school swerve, but you could argue that those are viable coaching techniques to build confidence. But you know what some/a lot of us are too stubborn to do that ourselves. I guess the part that you would like to know from the coach/driver is if they did slow the boat or help with boat path to get you your PB.


    Then there is the whole discussion around whether you ran your "PB" once at ski school and now can't duplicate that at home, which I think falls into the "even a blind squirrel finds a nut discussion".



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