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Everything posted by Blofeld

  1. I need to hear this at this time of year
  2. $240.00 for a handle that might never be delivered?
  3. Anyone have thoughts on Charlie Ross fin set up. He skied great today but that fin looked a little deep.
  4. Do I need to sand the wood before I apply teak oil? How do I apply the teak oil without making a huge mess? Tips?
  5. Keeping my shoulders level at the wakes helps me with a smoother edge change
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MBvuGJhZU/?igshid=1qf8vr90gb3r3
  7. I read somewhere the other day that I should lift handle at the center line so I can unweight the ski. What does this mean? Sounds like that would move the handle from my hips and make me separated.
  8. I am working on designing a ProStar and can't decide on colors. Ideas?
  9. If the 69" Radar Senate is still available, email me at lagosf119@hotmail.com. thanks
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