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Posts posted by UWSkier

  1. Another "yeah but what about us bigger guys" post...


    Eyeing up a Blacktec 2.0. How stretchy are these things really? I have a 48.5" (123cm) chest. According to the size chart on perfski, even the XXXXL isn't big enough (116cm). For my height, XXXL is right, but it's for bean poles (112cm).


    Will I suffocate if I go XXXL or is there sufficient stretch in these things?

  2. Don't rule out the '01 Sunsetter VLX or '02-'04 Sunscape 21 LSVs from Malibu. Fantastic wakes for 21' Vs, especially at or above 32 MPH. Those and the VTX/Sunscape 20 on Diamond are known for their outstanding V drive slalom wakes above about anything else out there.


    Also, if like you say, he's not hardcore, these boats have lots of versatility with Wedges and a little bit of ballast.

  3. He's not a bad dude, but sometimes when there's nothing to say, I wish he'd say nothing rather than trying to fill. That and slalom needs more radio voices. Matteo was a welcome change-up in the booth yesterday. He did a great job and has a good voice for the PA system.
  4. Mike,


    Good question. I'd imagine they use standard walkies but you'd need their private channel setting. If I remember, I'm going to charge mine up and try that too. Just be sure not to sit on your TX button. :)


    I wish I could have listened in to the Dr. Minicourse fiasco.

  5. For me, low back pain starts with hip tension. I can feel it simply walking around the house. Make sure you're stretching your piriformis muscles daily, especially if you have any hint of sciatic pain or inflammation accompanying your disk issue.


    There are several good hip stretches targeting this muscle, and you can roll it out pretty easily (it's intense), but there's a good one you can do in your desk chair. Cross your right leg over your left with your right ankle as far back as is comfortable, then try to hug your right knee up to your left shoulder.


    Loose hips and strong core will go a long way towards preventing 90% of back issues.

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