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jayski last won the day on September 21 2024

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  • Preferred boat
    '23 Nautique 200
  • Home Ski Site
    Cottonwood Lake
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  • USAWS Member # or other IWWF Federation #

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  1. Did you move your fin or bindings to make the R2 "lighter" across course?
  2. @The_MS slowly? Or gonna be quick?
  3. @owennibley you are obviously not aware of what the "occurred" with Mr.Chipman, I have no issues with the man, and my post was not derogatory towards him in anyway...is just a little amusing when you know the story...and the "story" is between Chipman and Horton...it's theirs to share if they so choose...
  4. OMG Scott Chipman snuck back on BOS via a "friend video" 😂
  5. @Stevie Boy I Reached out to Seth and he gave me some, but it does come with a sheet with other options
  6. @The_MS thanks but HIGHLY unlikely...
  7. @5_Ball_Jeff no idea , first time ever riding a Connelly, but it is really good
  8. Just wanted to say THANK YOU!! to Connelly and TWBC for their audience prize give aways. I was fortunate enough to call the women's podium correct for the San Gervasio pro am and got myself a new C1.
  9. Good job Ron Burgandy...
  10. @ktm300 last year I was mid 180's @ 6'1" and the large felt too big, medium worked well...
  11. The ION 3 is a large jump better than the previous ION's...it retains all the great characteristics of the old ION, low cross course effort, carries speed through the turn...but betters it with very equal on/offside turns, and it is by FAR extremely forgiving compared to the previous ION's and any of the other D3 quiver In comparison to the NEO the ION is much better at carrying speed through the turn and bringing you further to the wakes before you 'feel' any load from the boat, the 'work' area is shortened, and as previously said the ION is more forgiving overall
  12. I have some larger Reflex bindings available, left or right?
  13. Condolences to the family, Bill was awesome, both at events and outside of them!
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