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Posts posted by kfennell

  1. I've noticed that there is a fair bit of need for this symbol when you are talking about ski setups, I just thought that I would try to help people out. To type the symbol you make sure numberlock is on, and then hold ALT and type 0176 on the numberpad and then let go of alt.


    If you are on a a laptop without a numberpad it is a little harder, you need to hold alt and the "fn" key and press the blue number pad that is probably on your 890 and letter keys... that is a little more confusing, I think you need to make sure that you have numberlock on then too.

  2. I use a Canon D10 waterproof camera for filming skiing and for taking pictures of fish and corals in my aquarium. It takes great pictures and more then good enough video for hosting on youtube. i.e.


    It has built in stabilization, and is basucally bulletproof, since I have used it on the beach, in the aquarium, dropped it dozens of times and basically treated it terrible and it still does a great job.


    They cost less then $250 as well and are a great walking around camera too if you dont mind the size and color since it takes good pics in all conditions.


    The downside is that it is kinda big and ugly and there is no lens protector.

  3. So I am looking for a wetsuit now that the water is below 70 here. Ward recommend that I look at triathlete wetsuits , however it seems that many of them are fairly thin, including the one suit that I see recommended the aqua skin WT 50 ($145) at only .5-1mm. Is this warm enough for water to around 55-60 degrees? I probably won't be skiing when it is really cold, but I would like to be a little more comfortable though november.
  4. My name is Kevin Fennell I am 27 and I live in Shreveport, LA and work as an engineer for an oilfield service company. I ski with Ward at Olde Oaks. I started skiing when i was 8, but just open water on public lakes with no one who knew how to coach. I did this until we sold the boat when i was around 19 and I didn't ski more then a dozen times until me and my wife joined wards lake this summer as a way to exercise and I basically had to learn over again, especially learning how to get up behind a inboard with double boots on was hard! I've made my way up to 6@-15@30mph so a long way to go still! I ski on a Senate with double Prodigy Bindings after learning on a F1X w/sidewinders the last two months, it is a way more forgiving ski and within about 4 sets I was back up to my PB with it. I haven't skied a tournament yet, but I will next year as soon as I am able to make -15@36 consistently... if that happens. Definitely need to get in better shape this winter to have a chance at that
  5. My wifes brother just came down last weekend after skiing behind hand driving going "34" his whole life, he could run 32 off at 34 mph behind the hand driven boat but when he was at the lake behind zero off he struggled to run -28@32mph. I think though that if you could get some practice behind a ZO boat and you have good form then you wont have as much trouble.
  6. For myself the Radar Senate is working well, although I can already run the course at 28 mph when I got it. I got to this point on an F1X but I don't feel that it is as good of a ski to learn on since you dont get nearly as much cross course speed.


    For my wife a used D3 Custom is working well, she tried the Connelly SP and it didn't work at all, that ski probably can't be used to ski the course.

  7. So this raises a question for me, when I mounted my sidewinder bindings on my Senate I measured from the rear of the foot bed since the binding doesnt actually extend to the ski, roughly where the rear of my heel would be, should I have been measuring from where the boot would have met the ski if it had continued? I thought that I did what ward told me to do but we were on the phone so i might have misheard.
  8. Luckily i listened to h2o and Horton and didn't make any changes, when I got back on the ski fresh today it skiied much better, it is mainly different then my F1X in three different ways.

    1. Once you edge change it starts to cut pretty hard back the other way with no other input.

    2. It might be wider or maybe because the bindings are further back, but I need to be pulled up way slower.

    3. Across the wake it wants to come out of the water tip up a little more then the other ski.

  9. So in response to my earlier thread I picked up a 69" Senate from Todd, the ski arrived today and I called the coach who called the boss and theword came back 30.25" for the binding placement (using the connelly bindings for now).I measured this from the back of the foam bottom to the tail of the ski with connelly sidewinders.

    I went out and skiied tonight and let me preface this with I was super tired since i skiied 7 days in a row I think.

    First pass: ski felt great, cut out cut in for the gates crossed the wake great set up for one, got over the tip and the ski cut about 5 times harder then the F1x and I couldn't hold on.

    Second pass just fooled around

    Third pass, fell once getting up. Tried to ski the course staying over the middle of the ski more, but couldn't get it to catch an edge at all,all back foot.


    Fourth pass, couldn't get up then it was dark, it felt like the tail wasjust cutting through the water leaving the ski to plow really bad no matter how hard i tried to keep on the front foot. (like when I was learning to ski).

    Thoughts? Should I be moving the bindings up maybe? Or was I just super tired and should try it like this again? Also ward wanted me to ask for fin settings if anyone has any advice. I am 5'11" 240 lbs skiing for 2 months and running mostly 28 and can get 4 @ 30.

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