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Posts posted by lhoover

  1. The Panneton family, avid slalom skiers and BOS fanatics, had a great day at the local Houston area tourney. The Mom ran a PB, son ran a PB, daughter almost ran her 34mph, and Daddy David highlighted with his first ever 38, 1.5@39!! Now that is some really sweet skiing, as well we all know. Congrats to the whole family, but Especially DP with breaking into sacred territory.
  2. Have not read anyone talk about the outstanding announcing job Jeff (AKA The Great One) Greathouse did. Never loquacious, very insightful, and much too willing to give up the mic to some of those folks. The entire webcast was a very nice job for a pretty much thankless job. Nice going, Jeff, and to the rest of the crew, many thanks for the production.
  3. If the memory serves, and I can stand corrected, the great Chuck Forest had won 9 straight and was looking to close out M3 with 10 in a row at the Houston Natls, 2002 (2003?). The man only a Mother could like, but the rest of us love ever since we have known him, Steve (no nerve endings) Binkley took down Chuck. It was more than exciting as they had a runoff, and may lightning strike me if it didn't take 3, maybe 4 runoffs to decide it. It was darn near dark, plus the boat had to stop during the runoff for gas. Quite an event and truly momentous in the annals of National competition.


    Both of us who were there thought so, anyway.


    An aside: Bink is my hero, but I remember reading a stat that Chuck had not missed a 35off in a tournament during his M3 career. Phenomenal.

  4. Good Grief, some of you folks need to calm down as I never meant to get your life jackets in a wad. I just continue to be rather shocked, as is evidenced by all those high-profile folks queried, that a very simple, inexpensive safety device is not utilized. Never said force them, never said they are stupid and so is their Mother, never said I'm better cause I have one and you don't. Good Grief, calm down.


    We have all read, and perhaps some have seen, some horrific accidents, even deaths, that just maybe could have been prevented with a handle guard. Maybe. We have had a horrible accident at our lake that, just maybe, could have been prevented with a handle guard. Maybe.


    Conversely, never have I heard of a horrible accident where a handle guard was the cause. Has anyone? Enlighten us, please.


    So, we have had dozens of comments, over a thousand views, and still no one has answered a very simple question, which I shall repeat: can you tell me just one reason me why you ski WITHOUT a handle guard?


    In the interim, HHH (High Horse Hoov) shall remain in the saddle. And great, safe skiing to all.

  5. A question, please, for Scot Ellis, Malibu boat ad guy, Freddie Winter, Supra boat ad guy, Whitney McClintock, Nate Smith, Stephen Collins, Drew Ross, Frederick Halt, Stephen Neveu, Tiare Miranda, Alejandra De Osma, Curtis Rabe, Danny Amir, Peter Fleck, Paul Wadina, Todd Ristorcelli, Marion Mathieu, Emma Sheers, Freddy Krueger, Matteo Luzzeri, Thibuat Dailland, Brian Detrick, Nautique boat ad woman, Mastercraft boat ad guy, Will Asher, Overtons ad guy, PerfectPass ad guy, John Travers, Neilly Ross, and KC Wilson. Can you give me just one good reason why you ski without a handle guard?
  6. Ballers, my good buds are selling their sweet ride to move up in the world. She has a few hours but never rode hard and put up wet. She swings at a private lake and has been well taken care of. Drives and pulls like the sweetheart she is with no quirks or bad habits. Check it out at SIA 31194
  7. Thanks for ideas so far, but let me be more specific as to the situation. It has nothing to do with a club boat; rather, each member prepays to use the gas pump for their own boat. The "tenths" are what seem to add up over a 500gal. tank, plus 12 sets of names and 12 accounts. Have not read anything yet that rings my bell or is feasible so keep those cards and letters and ideas coming.
  8. Jim, that Shane is a boat delivering King. Most do not know the true tale of the Covington Record a few years ago, so get a cold one, prop up your feet, and listen, my children (or "my friends..." for Wish) whilst I regale you concerning the greatness of ShaneH.


    The great Dockside Marine, Charles Mueller officiating, had provided a SN for the Labor Day Record. However, after the first day of pulls, some of the ladies (Regina, Karina, etc.) thought the 6L was a tad strong and no way would slalom records fall with that particular boat. After major abuse of said Charles, and after a minor abuse of alcohol, a midnight call to Paul "ShaneH" Revere was made, imploring him to pick up a 5.7L SN and bring it to Covington by the next morning.


    We may never know the truth of what our hero had to give up that Saturday night to make the trip. Some say it was a blowup doll and pink daquiris; others say it was Rosey Palmer and Bud Lights; still others swear it was a trasvestite Texans cheerleader and her wife. In any case, our hero was there that next morning, delivering the requested boat after a 6 hour expedition.


    The Hollywood ending? There ain't one as no records fell. However, how often are legends made? When is the last time a true tale such as this brought tears to your eyes? When has the greatness of Joe Average been displayed so heroically? Rarely, my friends, rarely. Thank you, ShaneH, for making our little world a better place. Though it ended up meaning diddly-squat, it was the thought that counts.


    But not for much.

  9. Having to agree with someone who empties our cupboard and bar anytime he is in Houston truly pains me, but OB beees right. Good Grief, the whole darned discussion and emphasis from G. Rathbun was not about mulligans if you miss the gates but about don't judge the gates, period. How in the world this mulligan business ever got to be a rule proposal, and then accepted, is crazy as it begs the question in every other discipline. Tricks get 3 passes? Jumpers get 4? Good Grief.
  10. Horton, what is so cottonpickin' confidential about boat sales numbers? Why do auto manufacturers talk their number of sales and boats hide them? Shane, if Houston is buying 5 200s, who in the world is buying the other 245?
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