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Posts posted by skier2788

  1. @ToddL this is going to come across really elitist and I apologize now for that but by allowing another 3 to 5 skiers qualify per division aren't you just watering down the competition at Nationals? If we are just wanting huge numbers at Nationals why not allow everyone to go?

    We are probly just attacking the same problem from two different directions. Are you looking for just sheer numbers at Nationals or a high level of competition?


    This idea does nothing to make regionals important to the level 8 and above skiers.

    IMO you have to make regionals worth my time and money to attend or let me skip.

  2. I was trying to think about Nationals a little bit differently. What if we made it so that the only way to qualify for Nationals was to place top 5 at state and then top 5 at regionals. It would make Nationals very small with only 25 competitors max in each division but it would make Nationals a very prestiges event while also making regionals more important.
  3. I pulled these number from another older thread on this topic.


    A few things to ponder: Over 60% of the Nationally qualified skier's did not attend the national championships. Over 75% of slalom only qualified skiers did not attend nationals.


    Would increasing the number of qualified skiers really do anything?


    IMO we need to make it easier for those that are qualified to attend.

  4. @RichardDoane if skiers pay an entry but don't attend maybe that is a way to make hosting regionals more appealing and not a dumb idea. Besides it would at least be a start. I will gladly pay my entry and not attend vs. being forced to attend and spend considerably more money on travel and lodging for a tournament that all I have to do is obtain skiing position
  5. Pretty much every sport I can think of gives a bye to its top teams/athletes. It is a reward for working hard all season. I don't understand why it seems like a lot of people are against it in waterskiing. I think if you qualify for Nationals by level 8 ranking or higher you should be allowed to register and pay for regionals but be allowed to not participate if you choose. This lowers the cost of Nationals attendance for the very elite and would allow a few skiers who may not stand a chance at the podium at regionals to do so. I feel it would grow Nationals from a tournament of the best of who could afford two vacations in 3 weeks to the best in the country. For me having the best of the best at Nationals competing is more important than some silly requirment about regionals. Every year I am tempted to go to regionals get up and pull out for my gates and throw the handle. Then pump the first and scream I am going to Nationals!!!
  6. Maybe they know there are rumors out there of them being shutdown.... there was even a thread on here about it. If I was a company I would want to dispell that rumor as quickly as possible. I would release something not only saying that I was still up and running but that I have big plans for the near future....
  7. @jimski I have seen a few engines when rebuilt are tight enough that with the high volume pump it over runs the bypass creating the scenario you describe. Normal bypass pressure is around 80. It normally isn't a big job to change out an oil pump but in a boat it requires the engine to come out. The high oil pressure could be part of the reason you have had leaks also. The main worry with high oil pressure is that it will "wash" the bearings resulting in premature failure.
  8. @DW haven't thought about having another female work with her. Have had my buddies try to help but she just gets more nervous about it with them watching. She used to have to take xanax before driving. At least she doesn't have to do that anymore haha
  9. Is there a good way to get a person some driver training without spending hours behind the wheel? The driver I won't do 35 behind is my girlfriend. It's a mutual understanding. She has been driving for me for 3 years now but the concept of how to drive the slalom course is lost on her. This all started with the thread about sasha descuns and boat path. I always thought it was in my head at 35 and 38 that the driver makes a difference. Glad to know I have some validity
  10. I am curious on the subject as I usually only ski behind a few drivers. Most are good some not so much. Usually if I am not feeling great about the driver I won't go past 35. One I won't do 35 with. I am thinking of moving and the loss of my 3 good drivers scares me. Don't want to take a step back in my skiing because of driving.
  11. I have a ski doc orbit mount. It's great for the price. Nothing absorbs shock on it but you still get pretty decent video. Only complaint I have is that the cell phone holder is really cheap. It broke second time out. You can buy better ones for a few dollars off amazon. You can youtube skidoc orbit mount and see my video with my Samsung S5. It works better with a real camera.
  12. @jedgell when I converted my 02 196 it lost a lot on the hole shot. My top speed is still about the same. 41.5 mph at 5,000 rpm. Running in Fort Collins so probly 4800 feet elevation. Running a 654. In the end I just got used to the slow hole shot.
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