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Posts posted by skier2788

  1. I am 6 foot 2 and 205 I ski at 36. I fall in that same spot as you. Skied a 68 rs1 and liked it a lot. When I switched skis I went to a 67 Elite. Hear 68 was too big for 36 mph. I wish I had gone 68. From my experience ski the biggest ski you can turn. Havent seen you ski so the 67 could be a better turn for you. I know my situation could be difference in feel of the ski but my next one will be a 68.
  2. @6balls I don't know much about aloha valley beach but it is close by Tommys slalom shop in Denver. Used to have a strip club right there on the lake then became a bar now I don't think it is anything. Houses all along the lake now. Fairly narrow lake from what I have heard nobody slaloms there any more mostly wakeboarders. Home owners started complaining about the noise so I think they put restrictions on when you could run your boat and put in a cable park on one part of it.
  3. @rpc29 There are a bunch of lakes around here. I live in Loveland and ski on a private lake that you pretty much need to own property to ski on. Laku is 15 minutes away and a great ski site located in Windsor. Greeley has lake Madison which I have never skied but driven by numerous times and looks like a great place to ski. Greeley is 45 minutes from Loveland. Brighton is an hour away and has Cottonwood another great ski site. There are a few others like frontrange ski club but there lake usually goes dry in mid July. If looking for more of a fun family lake than a slalom lake there are a few places around wellington and stuff that are more recreational than competition. I would recommend living in Loveland or Fort Collins if thats where you are going to work. I25 can be a royal pain from Denver to Loveland sometimes. If you want to know more you can pm me.
  4. @eleeski i would love to see your setup. I might start looking at a san diego trip this winter. In the other thread you said to take a factory ski and use a grinder and superfill. Is that a special epoxy or "bondo"? I do auto body work and that "bondo" I wouldnt think would hold I


  5. I wanted to branch off of the homade ski at 41off thread. I was wondering if some of you guys thay have nuilt skis could explain your process a little and where you get and what materials you use. Its my off season now so was thinking of building one. Thanks for all the help.
  6. @klundell I was at katy and skied on the other lake and watched you ski. I am pretty jealous of the green bib. You skied well against them pros. This year my best practice round was ran 35@36 (perfect pass actual was 16.18 so slow) dropped to 34 and ran 38. Drought killed the season beginning of august. Trying to be like you this winter and drop 15 lbs. Im 6 foot 2 inches and 210. ZO and i dont agree yet but hope to soon. Im 24 so hoping i still have some good years left.
  7. For video I click the share button under the video then the embed button. The key I think is to scroll down in the embed options and click old embed code. Then copy the code. Should be highlighted. Paste into the post you want. Click preview to make sure its there then post.
  8. Thanks @marco i will try getting higher on the boat. I feel much narrower behind ZO than PP. Just not enough practice with ZO. I ski on a lake near fort collins just north of boyd a couple of miles. New ditch rider and low snow pack. Last day skiing here with a shortened to 4 ball course was august 5
  9. My lake went empty beginning of August because of a drought here in Colorado. So my ski season is over and I am transitioning to winter mode already. The other weekend I went to Austin and skied with my sister. I usually ski behind a 2002 196 with PP. Everytime I get behind a boat with ZO I struggle.... a lot. I know I need to be wider on my gates. Was just wondering what else the ballers would suggest I change to not have such a drastic difference between ZO and PP. My times running PP are within .07 of actual. So I dont think it is a speed issue. Thanks for the advice. hope the videos post.

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  11. I got off an RS1 last year and on to an Elite. When I am skiing correctly I love this ski. Small sweet spot between too much front foot pressure and not enough. Wouldnt recommend to a tail rider. It likes balancede and front foot pressure. Noticeably easier to ski. @kfennell got off his RS1 and rode my Elite the other weekend. Pretty sure he liked it. Find one cheap on SIA.


  12. I rode an old conelly that was a tunnel design. I liked the ski but there isn't anything like the new ones. That being said I know a guy that tried a new HO Mach 1 and said it wasnt a bad ski. My dad just made the switch from an early 80's HO Turbo and went to a Radar Senate. Instant better form and he feels that it is a whole lot less effort. That ski isnt carbon either if thats the worry. The Obrien Siege is a big ski I think very wide ment for beginners.
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