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Posts posted by fu_man

  1. There isn't anything down there. About 6 years ago when I didn't know any better I set up a "lesson" with a guy who advertized water ski and wakeboard lessons. Although I was very specific as to what I wanted/needed when I showed up it was clear that he was not a skier and it was all about wake boarding. You are going to have to make the drive to Miami or up north to Orlando area. Lucky Lowes place was about a 2.5 hour trip from Naples if I remember right.
  2. Just bought a new-to-me boat at the end of last fall. She is in good condition and I’d like to keep her that way. I have looked back at a few threads regarding boat care that have given me a few good leads regarding getting the stickers off and wiping her down with a polish fairly often after use. However a few questions to fill in the gaps:


    She has a little bit of oxidation on the finish. When I buff and wax, are the decals generally resilient or should I tread lightly? Any tips to avoid torching the decals would be helpful.


    It seems most people prefer Babes Boat Bright or Boat Bling Hot Sauce. One applies a thin coat of wax each application, the other removes spots without removing the wax coat. Six of one half dozen of the other?


    The vinyl is in great shape…really supple. The guy I bought it from said he used leather lotion a few times per year. Only problem is that that stuff is really greasy for a while until it dries. Any recommendations for cleaning and conditioning the vinyl?


    Finally, what can I use for the oxidation on the black pad on the platform. That stuff gets all over and messes up the vinyl.




  3. Hold on, hold on. (To qualify this, my first degree was a B.S. in pharmacy.) Before this gets going too far, you have to remember that all drugs have potential side effects. As with all drugs you have to weigh the benefits vs the risks. For example, aspirin is linked to Reye's Syndrome in kids and causes stomach ulcers but it is also used to prevent heart disease and is the first thing recommended to take during a heart attack not to mention being used for pain or headaches.
  4. I regularly ski behind an 04 LXI. I am not into -32 but for -15 and -22 it sure does the trick for me. I have skied a TXI and a Centurion at tourneys over ther past 2 summers and in my mind they were all comperable. Let's put it this way, I didn't find myself going "wow these new boats are so much better". That should say something because to my knowledge the TXI was supposed to have improved wakes back there where I ski. It is a great boat. I don't think you'll be dissapointed.
  5. @oldjeep I would suspect that the tends you have stated are prevalent in many areas. Maybe my situation is rare but I thought it was worth mentioning because it is contrary to what you are describing. Maybe just an isolated case but I have observed a significant increase in skiers on our lake over the past 2 years. I am on a pubilc lake in northern Illinois and have seen every type of ski apparatus that I can think of. Of course there are wakeboarders on the lake but we also have trickers, footers (with jump), and although we don't have a show ski team I have seen people out there practicing on a swivel ski. We now have 2 guys that own fly boards. Most importantly however, every weekend there are kids and young adults banging out sets on a pair of combos, a kneeboard, or a slalom ski behind an average joe outboard or I/O. There are more people being introduced to skiing rather than wakeboarding. Maybe this is just my neck of the woods but I'm hopeful that this trend can continue and maybe spread. Although I like to slalom on a course on flat water, nothing makes me happier than to see a random 10 year old kid on a pair of combos bent way over at the waist being dragged around behind an outboard through all the weekend chop...and loving it.
  6. Not sure how old your kids are so maybe some of this applies. I have 3 kids. My oldest (10) doesn't like to ski. One of the reasons is that we probably pushed him too much at a young age. Learn from my mistake. Don't do that. My younger two (8 and 6) love to ski. Both can get up by themselves on combos so that is how we have started training them in the course. First get them to go through the course the correct way (1st through the gates, then go right, the left, etc) but only have them ski around the boat guides. Once they have this, have them ski through the mini course. Once they are comfortable going outside the wake, have them sart shadowing buoys. Although my daughter has expressed interest in riding one ski, wait until they are ready. I think kids can learn proper pull position on two skis as well as one ski. I have heard others say the same thing and I have also heard Lucky talking about running the course on a pair of jumpers. I wouldn't start a kid in the course on a single ski until they are very comfortable riding it in the open water and able to cross the wakes with some confidence.
  7. I have commented on the Vectors before but couldn't find my old post. I like them because they are comfortable. As already mentioned, do not overtighten them! I overtightened once and fell and almost wrecked my knee due to the ski twisting and putting torque on it. You can tighten the bottom laces tighter than the top but you can also overtighten the bottom tongue so that your foot will still not come out. I think with the Vector you sacrifice connection to the ski but in my mind it is better to live to ski another day rather than run the greater risk for injury.
  8. I bought a neoprene hood from a diving/surfing website. It helps a lot, especially for us bald guys. I went with the hood because I wouldn't have to worry about losing it in a fall and it covers my neck, and ears too. The only issue with it is that when water gets in the hood its hard to hear. I also bought some thin neprene socks and those help a lot too. Last April the ice went out on Saturday and we skied on Sunday. No drysuit for this guy.
  9. I am wondering about buying a 7 year old boat with only 50 hours on the original engine. I have read other posts regarding boats with over a 1000 hours but being well taken care of versus potential issues with engines because they have just sat around unused. On the other hand, with only 50 hours there hasn't been much wear and tear on the engine. I am wondering what I should be looking for if I were to go have a look and drive/ski it aside from obvious corrosion. Thanks in advance for your thoughts/advice.
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