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Posts posted by xrated

  1. Kids are far enough along I can no longer allow them to use the cheap Fleet Farm rope and handle combo (or maybe I can no longer deal with the tangled mess). Either way what do you all suggest for an average 14 year old girl and a petite 11 year old girl?
  2. @swc5150 were you at the anniversary party?


    I've seen them putting gas in it at the local gas station but I haven't seen it on water. Heard mixed reviews from some with more knowledge.


    I hope it takes off as it would be good for the local area to have sales and production take off though.

  3. I like to sit in a small dark shack staring into a big hole in the water waiting to stab a northern.


    Otherwise I click clack (cross country ski) when the snow allows....though last year it led to a broken tibia.


    Otherwise winter free time is spent bringing firewood into the house, cutting and hauling in new fire wood....it never ever ends.

  4. Broke my Tibia this past winter...thought it would be the knee that was an issue skiing. Turns out it is the ankle. Don't know if it is just not used to skiing or if I did something.


    Last few times out I used a compression sleeve brace with some velcro straps. Felt decent while skiing.



  5. Best of luck @bananaron. I do not know of any for sale, but I will certainly help you put some hours on.


    Need to make this the summer I leave the local lake and drive towards your lakes.

  6. Man that is a long dock! Ice just went out on our southern Canada lake yesterday. Snow fence down and hoping to get some docks in this weekend. Boat likely won't happen until closer to Memorial, still have to wax, etc.
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