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Posts posted by mbabiash

  1. Why does my zero off beep right at the pucks going in one direction and beep at the bow of the boat going opposite direction?

    My course is surveyed in so it should be perfect.



  2. Are there any disadvantages to getting a closed cooling system other than price?

    I saw a used 6L with closed cooling for sale in Miami and I was curious if it was used in salt water.

    If so, is that bad even on a closed system.

  3. Ok, so I am working on my posture and i know i have a long way to go. This video is 34 mph and 22 off. I run it 75% of the time but its usually pretty rushed.

    My main question is, am i letting up too early crossing the wakes. When I'm skiing, I don't feel that I am but

    I watch the video and on my offside lean i fly up over the wake and get pulled straight to the ball.

    Any comments besides posture. I promise I'm working on my posture!


  4. I had a goode fire mid and decided to go to a senate graphite this summer. I skied my slower passes better but once at 34 22off i didn't like it. So i called goode and they recommended the xtm for my weight and ability (220lbs).

    I have had it for 2 weeks now and i am now running 22 off and working on 28.

    Coincidence? Maybe?

    But I'm keeping it!

  5. I am about to have my course surveyed in. I have a floating course right now and i want to have individual anchors for all buoys. There is a guy here that is going to survey it for me and has done many courses here. The lake is a sand pit and the bottom has some areas that are silty but most is hard sand.

    My question is regarding the anchors.

    I'm probably going to have my friend scuba down and drive rebar or something through the anchors to secure them top the bottom.

    Does the anchor have to be heavy if I'm securing it to the bottom

    Ive seen plans for fixed bottom anchors that are 150lbs with pvc through them to drive rebar through.

    Is that excessive?



  6. Ive been working on countering and standing tall into the pre turn. Here is a video at 34 mph 15 off. I feel like coming into my offside, I'm countering better but my onside is getting worse and i keep getting broken at the waist.

    More Help please!


  7. I will post video soon but I thought I would get the discussion started.

    I've been told that I do a lot of things right but my biggest problem is I load the rope very hard right out of the buoy.

    I try so hard not to do it but I can't apply it.

    Are there any tricks that I can do to make me delay that load on the boat



  8. Thanks guys. After talking with Rini, my bindings were too far back. He thought I had a 67 senate instead of a 69.

    I'll give it another shot once it warms back up.

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