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Posts posted by The_MS

  1. People don’t believe that we will ever achieve what was happening in the 90s again however everybody wants it to be like the 90s again.  I seen nothing but solutions offered in these threads, but people keep insisting that no solutions have ever been offered.

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  2. I have about 10 sets on it and it feels great. After a quick stretch behind the truck @Mrs_MS tried it out. She could not tell the difference from the X.  It measured up perfect. From my first set, I thought it had the perfect amount of give and you dont feel rebound. 
    Nice rope @Sedge

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  3. This is an opening to contact your Rep in congress. Like I said, the funding dries up and this all goes away. Its good to see the AP actually report a few facts for a change. 
    If you truly would like a safe sport type of operation within the organization, it would have to be a privately run business what you would be able to actually hold responsible. 
    It sounds like organizations like USAWS will eventually be required to pay up to cover the costs and that is how it should be. 

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