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Everything posted by klindy

  1. I'm still thinking this through but I agree with @Horton that any time a sponsor wants to expand something to promote the sport I'm all for it. The way I count it this adds 16 more skiers to the mix (50 at the BD finals and 16 at the Sr Tour). It would be interesting if the St tour finals went first and the winner of the H2H had an automatic entry to the sweet 16 in the BD! Slightly off topic but it would be REALLY cool if the head to head (at least the final 4 or 8) was run side by side on the main lake simultaneously! Maybe put the sweet 16 on the main lake then run the final 4 under the lights. Either way putting two skiers on the same like at the same time is a whole new strategic game.
  2. @AB That wasn't a dog...it was @ShaneH!
  3. @Moskier3ev I thought it was the cheering section at the nationals that was the encouragement to in 35?
  4. Si - But no plan in place currently.
  5. @MattP I think Bens scores were years ago and (probably) at 36 not 34
  6. @MattP I believe it was posted under MM but Jeff was the first skier to run 41 (get into 43 in a record tournament) t both speeds. Incidentally, both "first scores" were both confirmed as records. This September he actually had TWO scores approved as records - 1@43 in the second round on Saturday and 1.25@43 in the second round (if I recall) on Sunday.
  7. @MattP yes it was an "R" tournament. The whole tournament was run either as claass C or L/R (meeting the R requirements for all skiers in the group). IWSF doesnt recognize 55kph scores as "world records" so only a US record is submitted. My understanding is Jeff IS the first person to run 41 @ both 36 (August 1997) and 34 (September 2012).
  8. Pretty sure at 55kph it's only been done 3 times - all by Jeff Rodgers this September.
  9. @ntx http://shop.wallyskier.com/Buoy-WallySkier-Boat-Guide-Green-USA-WSbgGreen.htm;jsessionid=3DF01F3B36E436014E35F38022C4430B.qscstrfrnt01
  10. @MattP there's no red in the Jamaican flag.
  11. @MattP It needs to go to South Africa. Matches the flag almost to a tee!
  12. It needs to go to South Africa. Matches the flag almost to a tee! http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_South_Africa.svg
  13. How about using this - mapservices.org/myguestmap
  14. Combine waterskiing with surfing and snow skiing and you get this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No4WClpqUVQ&sns=em
  15. @Brady I was in SLC 3 times in the last 6 months. I generally take my stuff with me on every trip (at least on city a week). Would love to stop by on the next warmer weather trip.
  16. I have Goode poles and I'm sure @Zman I've seen some deep powder skis along the wall!
  17. @rodltg2 wouldn't that just be a cable course? Just get rid of the bus! Pull a Dumb sled with a hull that is identical to a current model. Weight it appropriately, etc. you could put a judge or judges in the 'boat' with whatever electronics you'd need or want. That thing could then go up ad down the lake all day long powered from the shore. Back to the original post, the electric option is pretty cool but likely not practical as discussed.
  18. @boarditup take your own ski with. Not too big of a hassle to drag it along.
  19. Top W3 slalom skier (level 8/9) from Colorado. Reading the "my story" section in the link above it sounds like she had an accident a few days ago.
  20. I'm bummed. First trip ever I didn't take my ski with me. I said 10 days ago it was probably the last ride of the season. Unless next weekend is warm in DFW we'll look forward to 2013.
  21. An encoder mounted on top of the pylon (fixed to move with the rope) would work. Problem is with the limited angular movement it would need to be a 5000 pulse per rev resolution which generally have glass disks. It would be sensitive enough but pretty fragile. I'd love to be part of a project like this and have spent a bit I time working through the data and potential results.
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