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Posts posted by cragginshred

  1. A family Doc right? Without pushing your range with the addition of joint mobilizations you will only scar down and loose mobility.

    A sport orthopedic MD would advise you otherwise knowing that Doctorate level trained PT's will 'grade' your stretching and joint mobilizations within the tissue tolerance which would result in a radically different outcome than you are experiencing currently.


    If you can replicate self joint mobs that you've been instructed in, perform self traction and stretching done in the clinical setting that would suffice to go on to a home program, but your 'home PT' methods don't seem to be very effective at increasing your range of motion.


    Just trying to help and provided some evidenced based clinical advice!

  2. Angle off every buoy was great and when it wasn't he adjusted it to be fully cross course by the centerline.


    The other aspect that stands out if you watch it slowly is even when he gets later around the balls the ski arcs wide and finishes the turn completely creating that angle.



    Strong work TW!

  3. @Horton please let us/me know how the Carbitex compare to the vapors and if it's a significant upgrade in terms of performance?


    The Vapors seem to last about 3 seasons or less depending on how often you ski. Then they break down and tear or come apart in various places (my experience). Seems like the more burly construction the Carbitex has would allow them to last much longer especially for guys who live on lakes and ski daily.

  4. I tried Terrys tip Sunday and really felt a difference.! I think most would agree sinply thinking 'front foot' is not enough...TW added feel and even see the tip of the ski engage the water.

    I did not look down to look for the tip but I felt it. With the wind and rain Sunday it was not optimal to work on this but I felt more of the front of the ski loaded -so thank you Terry!

    BTW I will check out his site too!

  5. Skied yesterday in Nor Cal at Lakeside ranch! Rain was supposed to come in at 1pm but it started closer to 11am. Still was stoked to ski into my personal best line length following 3 weeks off the water. Only did one set due to the rain pelting my face by the sixth pass.


    It rained all the way home, last night and pouring today. All the creeks and rivers in Tuolumne county are flooded again with the Don Pedro spill way opened for the first time in 20 years. New Melones is filling slower but steady at almost 60% now -this is without the massive snow pack in the sierra's that will feed it in a few months!!!

  6. I will get a pair at some time this year! As Horton stated it can be pretty frustrating during the break in period. When I needed to replace my Vapor boots last summer, it was one at a time and I had to lace them looser and was really frustrated at first.


    When I upgrade to these I will plan to ski my sets then just have these on another ski to and break them in on a 3rd set for a few days before putting them on my 2017 Vapor pro and going for it.


    When you only have 2 or 3 ski days a week I can't spend the only passes I'm trying breaking in boots.

  7. For the pullout how would you describe it?

    -Drop hips?

    -Bend knees?


    This is just one aspect of the video that stands out. Very similar to how Regina pulls out. I ask because from here it appears they pull out with out pulling against or away from the boat, but rather more in the direction of travel. Something I struggle to do correctly.


    How is this done in a controlled, consistent manner?

  8. For the pullout how would you describe it?

    -Drop hips?

    -Bend knees?


    This is just one aspect of the video that stands out. Very similar to how Regina pulls out. I ask because from here it appears they pull out with out pulling against or away from the boat, but rather more in the direction of travel. Something I struggle to do correctly.


    How is this done in a controlled, consistent manner?

  9. This is interesting and makes sense. I had some interaction with an Andy protégé English female skier Nicole Aurther she said Andy told her to build speed early. TW has said the same thing.


    My question is for a RFF skier who abruptly gets on the handle too soon off 1/3/5 and heard the coaching from the well meaning guys in the boat ...'wait till the till boat picks you up closer to the 1st white water to get on your '....' insert you favorite term here: load /stack /pull whatever.


    Where is the balance between? Seems like letting the ski finish the turn is a good place to start?

  10. Winter water skiing, climbing outdoors 90% of the year. This winter however I have spent the past 3 weeks off real rock due to the monster storms coming through California. Also Mt biking and core routines in the PT clinic at work.


    In the Cali foothills of Sonora we enjoy a typically mild winter and the cliffs sit above the valley fog and below the snow so folks travel from all over to climb here in the winter!

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