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Posts posted by cragginshred

  1. @adamhcaldwell you stated 'avoid excessive lean you cannot come out of' in one of your points.

    At my lake I see the 'lean lock' syndrome where everyone strives to get in the best lean position possible possible and they end up cutting too long.

    On the dock the skier perseverates about the next thing they are going to work on to improve their lean position which just leads to the same result -lean locked and a late edge change.


    What's the key with what your describing?

  2. From a PT's perspective it follows the 'unloading principle' by providing some traction to the spine. Skiing would be the opposite. It is a load under compression and often flexion or forward bending. Downside is it is short term relief because as soon as you come off it your loading the spine again.


    There is more to the back management approach which would include hip flexor, piriformis stretching and foam roll techniques. Additionally, myo fascial release would be included.



    Hope that helps!


  3. Rock climbing, Mt Biking, Snow skiing and core work outs where PLANKS rule!


    Try planks with elbows on PT ball and 'stir the pot' or do small rotations with your elbows to challenge your core.

    Or do planks on the flat side of a Bosu ball!


    Planks are the best full body muscle warm up!

  4. I know this has been discussed over and over here and there seems to be a 'yeah but that's at 32 off' or greater mentality. Then there are those who agree with TW who say it should happen at any rope length, and TW has many videos to prove it can be done.


    The purpose of this thread is not to beat these same 2 views to death but to seek more views on keeping a tight upper body and connection with good handle control while releasing the hips to swing out and not get lean locked which is usually what happens with a late edge change.


    The key for me is keeping this consistent later in the course then still doing it as I'm fatigued.

  5. Not trying 3 different new techniques every time I show up to the lake. Seems like everyone has a new approach and I feel distracted from what worked that last time I was out.

    Then you have the guy in the boat that tells you something different to work on every time you drop -don't be that guy. I'm learning to just submerge my head so I can't hear him.

  6. I have asked myself, 'am I really having fun'? Usually as a result of arriving at the lake with way too high of expectations or super frustrated at how hard it is to be consistent at this sport -at my opening (and next line length). Know what I mean?


    Then of course you have the coaches' in the boat. All mean well, but some give you way too much to think about Every pass............doesn't help.

  7. An aspect worth mentioning is @twhisper has mentioned his wife cannot do the early edge change and when she tries it result in coming in way too hot (like many of us). He can correct me but I'm pretty sure that's what he said.


    So to think everyone will be able to 'just do it' is a little bit missing the point that others have pointed out -without the angle and resulting speed Terry gets us mortals will never be able to get the ski to edge change at the center wake.


    Can Ballers comment on how that angle and proper is crucial to getting the early edge change.


    Also the handle control which has been discussed at length on BOS is key too.



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