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Posts posted by cragginshred

  1. Thanks guys! I am pretty sure I got my strada boots from perf. Re the numbers I am just going off what most people said something like 'the ski was ok until.....then it was awesome' . I obviously need to become more comfortable with making adjustments. I just don't wan to get lost in a sea of possibilities as I do not live on a lake and have endless amount of time to try the various settings.
  2. I am planning to upgrade to a Radar Vapor within the next 2 months. What are some pro shops that you all would suggest that would be willing to set it up for my level? I do plan to get a caliper and have messed with my Strada fin, however, from what most say this ski needs proper settings to perform optimally so I would rather reduce the frustration time and get it set up before being shipped.
  3. Interesting no one mentioned the Abductors. If you came in to the PT clinic; I would emphasize core With abductors as a co-contraction. So 3 could be planks, side lunge with t-band around knees (or feet =harder) to keep an Abduction drive, And because wall squats are easy to replicate anywhere I would add that as a 3rd with you guessed it; T-band around the knees for an abduction co-contraction!
  4. Ski Jay I am hoping someone has reviewed basic mechanic of the ***Cause*** Arthritis common to age changes are rarely explained with MRI's. The most common Cause of patellar femoral syndrome can be simplified this way -The kneecap is the train the femur is the track. The train follows the track. You have 17 muscles that cross over the knee, many whose origins begin on the pelvis or top of femur. Therefore you should be doing a whole lot of hip rotator, abduction and extensor exercises (see my hip rotator video for some examples).

    A simple test we do in the PT clinic is a single leg squat. Watch yourself do one in the mirror. Not too deep. If your knee dives inward your hip musculature is not decelerating the femur's internal rotation and thus causing the train to derail and causes pain -the likely Cause.

    Hope this helps!


  5. @Chef23 the the origin of the soleus muscle is below the knee thus when the knee is flexed the soleus is being stretch not the gastroc (calf). The mechanism of injury is clear to me (a physio) -a prolonged stretch on the musculature takes it to it's tissue to max tolerance/threshold The result is stress occurs to the anchor point- the tendon/achilles. Tendons by design do not stretch and when they are stressed they get irritated hence the 'ittis'. Same exact thing with the elbows.

    So I agree with the gentle stretching to both the gatroc and the soleus along with sub taylor joint mobilizations.

    My question for this thread was 'has anyone used a heel lift to compensate for the prolonged flexed knee/ankle position of a rear foot? I will look for Horton's article on the rear foot. A huge issue for me this past year was finishing the turn with a straight rear leg and the ski wants to wheelie, so agreed it makes no sense, but I will check it out and watch some of his videos!


  6. After driving an hour to the course hips flexors are always the main musculature that is tight. To keep ankles and knees flexed calf stretching is key too. Here is a take on stretching and apparatus you may not have seen called the 'True' stretch. All docks should have one! ps @Mattp your link is all Gary Grey stuff -he made this device I am stretching in the below video. The caveat is I am adding the three planes of motion concept.

  7. I was wearing an aqua sphere suit from Miami Nautique pro shop. The suit is for folks who compete in triathlons and super flexible at 1mm. Only cold while in the water not at all skiing. However, the principle of cold=vaso constriction = muscles do not function without proper amounts of blood flow tells me that played a role. I have a Bare dry suit,but did not feel like getting into it.

    @Skijay For me lowering my expectations is likely the best advice here!

  8. Last Friday we skied in 72* air temps here in the central Ca. foothills with perfect glass. The water temp was around 58* -60*. Several of the guys were having trouble making passes and falling a lot, myself included (no surprise there). But comments were made about the ski reacting differently in colder water. Yes I realize we who live in Cali do not know what cold water really is but for the sake of conversation who has good perspective on skiing in colder water than your typically used to?
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