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Posts posted by crashman

  1. can you point me toward a good article or share with me some very basic tips regarding how to deal with a tailwind? I'm getting better and better- as long as there is no wind or a slight headwind, but I'm looking for some good solid adjustments to make when the wind is at my back. I've asked around at the club and I know this is an "age old" question but I appreciate your input. I'm looking for that next "ah-ha" moment. Thanks!
  2. "smells like lemon lime victory" love it. I'm not sure I unboxed mine properly but I love my "smells like sweepstakes victory" vice just the same. Had to go make sure I took the 66" sticker off it. Any ballers wandering through the heartland that want to give mine a ride just shoot me a message.
  3. @Brent indeed- nobody here has ever balked at a basic question- and I intend to post many of them as we get through the season- it's sometimes a matter of getting to know what I don't know.


    But also- I think there's a fair group of guys who ski 15 or 22 off for exercise and enjoyment and may not...wait for it....gulp... desire to improve. The guy who first got me into the course is 66 yrs old and skis 15off 32 mph and for him that's it. He skis at least 3 times per week and spends a lot of money on equipment- so for sponsors he's a valuable demographic. But how do you engage a guy like that to log onto BOS as part of his waterski lifestyle? Several guys at my club that show up, run -15 at 34 take a swim then go home- they love skiing as much as anybody but don't share the goal of shortening up. They still like to read about skiing, spend money on boats and skis, but how to get them on BOS? That's why @horton runs the site and I don't because I don't know.

  4. John- love the site. What's not to love? In the last 6 months since joining the site I've won a ski, bought a boat of another member, improved my skiing and had a lot of fun doing it.


    You pretty much have the high level tournament skier market covered- now it's time to go after the rest of us. You know- guys like me- battling long lines and slow speeds every chance we get; never going to ski short line in elite tournaments but love to read about and watch guys who do. There's a lot of passion out there at 15 off. I don't mean to imply that I've ever felt unwelcome here because of my ability (or lack thereof)- in fact quite the opposite. But I think you can expand your "basic skills" offerings and attract a whole new crowd.

  5. @Doospx agree with @Stoner. I haven't skied it in open water yet but it handles fine chop just right. Keep in mind I'm a very novice skier- was stoked to collect all 6 @-15 28.6 mph last night and now working on 30.4, so really all the logic would say I should say on the Senate but I ski for fun and the Vice is a little more fun. Plus it looks cool. I think both skis are stable, but the Vice is faster than the Senate.
  6. Don't forget about the Vice. I have a regular (non-C) senate- moved to the Vice this year and it's a lot of fun. by specs it should be too much ski for me but I'm already progressing faster than I did last year and that thing just shoots me across the wake! I'm in love with the Vice.


    Thanks again @Horton and BOS for feeding this addiction

  7. last year I lucked into a situation where I met a guy at the club with a nice Malibu who never could find anybody to drive him- the only thing he wanted in return for me skiing was the "labor" involved in me driving him through the course a few times a week- how lucky is that? He never would even let me pay for gas- so at the end of the year I surprised him with an Indo Board but obviously that didn't even come close to his expense.


    This year I'm repaying him by making him ski as often as possible behind the boat formerly know as Kevin's.

  8. that article and this discussion have me thinking about removing the wing from the my official BOS Radar Vice, but as a novice skier can you help me understand what to expect? The last time I started trying to get cute with fin and binding positions on my Senate I ended up out the front with a black and blue ankle and since then I've just used factor settings and tried to adjust my technique instead of the ski. Is there a "be careful not to break your neck" factor to removing the wing? (currently skiing 15 off 28-32 mph- hoping to get to 34 mph by season's end) Thanks for your thoughts.
  9. I can see where the "dislike" button would make it easier for Horton to spot problem posts and I like that this forum/Horton has appropriate standards for its participants and keeps the content mostly ski related. Maybe the inappropriate dislikers should have a finite number of dislikes- or maybe each member gets an emoticon- if you dislike too many posts you appear as a grumpy face!
  10. crap my previous comment got disliked- and I was hoping to be well liked. I hope I am still welcomed here even if I am not well liked.


    To rephrase- I did not mean to imply that love is not awesome- because it can be but sometimes it is not. I just think the icon for awesome should be TOTALLY AWESOME! And what that is should be the subject of the next poll!


  11. I think the $ in wakeboarding comes down to the nature of wakeboarding vs skiing and the $ the average wakeboarding joe will drop on equipment and boating accessories. Those who know wakeboarders (of which I tried to be one before realizing I don't really enjoy wakeboarding) know the guy who spends big buck on a big boat then turns around and drops another 15k on stereo, underwater lights, upgraded ballast etc all with the goal of having that boat that everybody wants to hang out on. He might not be able to do anything cool on a wakeboard but if his boat is big enough he might get somebody in his crew that can do some cool stunts, and somehow that makes himself feel cooler. There's a lot of one-upsmanship that translates into more $ spent and eventually into sponsorship dollars.


    Contrast that with average joe skiing- if he has a modern ski boat with a good wake- well that's about it. maybe he'll buy a new ski every year or try to win one from ball of spray, but the average joe skier isn't trying to impress his friends to create the "party barge" so he can feel cooler. I can't speak for every skier out there but I think most average skiers ski for themselves, not to impress others. And if @horton comes out and skis -39 behind my boat I might feel slightly cooler, or less cool, I'm not sure which.

  12. biased here as I recently acquired a SN from that design era but I like the way the minimal rear trunk in the nautique gives you more leg room between the rear bench and the motor box, though it comes at the expense of storage. not a big deal for me since any gear that isn't in use will be at the dock. can't speak about the bows.
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