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Posts posted by jcamp

  1. As someone in my mid 40s, I just would not enjoy skiing against a 17-year old girl or 68-year old man. I much prefer skiing against someone who is in a similar life situation that I'm in: a bunch of kids, trying to grow a business/career, squeezing in some youth sports coaching, working hard to keep off the weight my beer drinking adds, etc., etc. Regardless if I get smoked by some of the best skiers, I'm gaining on them and that brings a lot more satisfaction than beating someone who just wrapped up their sophomore year of undergrad.
  2. @disland please re-read my post. My point is that if 100% of people take things seriously (maintain social distance, wipe down boat, etc.) then we could be good to go. But if a large percentage of people don't take things seriously (because they think it's overblown or for whatever reasons) then they will not be careful and they will endanger others.
  3. The fact that as of right now 20% of respondents are saying that "the issue is over blown" and we should just operate as normal is a big indicator that maybe tournaments, no matter how they are set up, can't be ran safely. If a fifth of people showing up to any given tournament (or movie theater, or gym, etc.) don't recognize the risks and thus aren't doing what needs to be done to keep everyone safe, the efforts of the organizers and everybody else who "gets it" don't matter.



  4. This year Regionals and Nationals should be ran as a Class C. Then you can run the tournaments with officials pulled from the pool of skiers (like any other tournament), eliminating the huge costs of hotels for the judges. Hopefully that would allow the organizers to protect their bottom lines and maybe even pass some of the savings on to skiers in the form of lower entry fees. Regional/National champs are still champs, entries fees are maybe a little lower and hopefully participation numbers remain relatively the same.
  5. Not mechanically related, but picked up first boat brand new from the dealer and went straight to the lake. Was so excited I didn't notice the "boat ramp ends here" sign and drove the trailer right off the ledge. Had an undersized truck so it started pulling everything into the water but I was able to stop it. Had to use combo skis as a ramp/wedge to get the trailer wheels back over the ledge. Almost lost boat and truck within first 30 minutes of boat ownership.
  6. For me I worry about if one of my kids get hurt will I:


    1) expose them to the virus because they may/will come into contact with any number of emergency responders, physicians, nurses, etc., who themselves are probably being exposed at high rates, and


    2) not be able to visit/stay with them in the ER or hospital due to our hospital severely limiting entry. I would feel absolutely terrible if one of my kids had to go through some medical ordeal all by themselves.


    I love skiing, but sometimes it has to take a back seat.

  7. @The_MS have you ever thought that it would be BETTER for the economy long term to take extreme actions to stop COVID-19 as quickly as possible, rather than let it fester and drain human and financial capital over a longer period of time?


    My guess is that it's best to tackle it with our full force, let it die out, put it behind us and start rebuilding. I also think that might save hundreds of thousands of lives too, so that's a bonus.

  8. Ha, ha @The_MS whines for weeks about the media overblowing things and creating mass hysteria and then he types something like this: "Is it right to for the nations (sic) children’s (sic) futures to be destroyed ..."



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