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Everything posted by jcamp

  1. In a drivers' clinic a couple weeks ago Will Bush described a few new tools that are coming, including the ability for drivers to go home after a tournament and look at their own data. That is going to be very informative/helpful.
  2. https://www.iwwfed-ea.org/classic/23PANA01/
  3. Nate is close to catching Regina, only four more World Overall titles to go!
  4. If Charlie was eligible for the U.S. Rankings list, he'd be the No. 4 ranked Open Mens skier in the US, just a half buoy behind Dane Mechler and Jon Travers who are tied for second ...
  5. This year at Regionals my daughter thought she was inside 4 ball, kept skiing around 5 ball just for the heck of it and because she had momentum, but then stood up at 5 and skied back to the wakes because she thought she was done. The judges scored her 5. I was pretty conflicted on what advice to give her but settled on "if it's close and you are not 100 percent sure, keep skiing. It's the judges' job to judge." She is still a relatively inexperienced tournament skier so I'm more worried about her just not knowing exactly what happened than her trying to game the situation.
  6. @PatM and they put on a really well-run tournament.
  7. The biggest question for me is, are S Lines (and which model) similar enough in feel to the Optimized 2.0 rope that I most often see at tournaments?
  8. Marc BedsoleChris SullivanBenny Lohr
  9. Marc BedsoleChris SullivanBenny Lohr
  10. Congrats on the new boat @megavega you picked a good one!
  11. Since this project is being spearheaded by Polk County Sports Marketing, I bet they will outsource management to someone who will put on a lot of events and competitions. That organization's main purpose is to put heads in beds (i.e. fill hotels). Really glad to see the lake be finished and hope it has a strong 3-event presence. Looking forward to skiing it.
  12. Yeah, injury prevention is for pu$%ies, not real men like @thager.
  13. I think they are a bigger problem than many of us think. I know I never really thought about them until earlier this year when I went to see my doctor because I had a series of troubling cognitive episodes (I'm in my 40s so it's a bit early for those kinds of things). While he couldn't say for certain, he used my symptoms and timeline to narrow things down to two really hard falls I had slaloming on back-to-back days while in Florida over the winter. In hindsight, I've probably had at least a couple others ...
  14. My vote is for Lake Placid!
  15. If not many new boats are being made, eventually the supply of used boats is going to dry up too.
  16. I don't think the Centurion sold well because, if my recollection is correct, at around $55,000 it was only about 10k less than say a new Malibu TXi. That's not enough of a difference to pull many people away from one of the big three. If they could make and sell the Centurion now for 70 or 75k (don't know if that is possible), it would be a much more attractive alternative to the other new boats that are north of 100k.
  17. I guess I should change the title of this thread to $75,000 ... Anyone think the huge increase in boat prices might finally create room for a new player to enter the market at a lower price point? Seems like that is the natural ebb and flow of markets. Prices go up, competition comes in. Prices go down, competitors get weeded out. Repeat.
  18. If you can't see the boat for yourself, definitely ask them to take it to a dealer and pay for that inspection yourself. I bought a boat that way last year, but more importantly, I DIDN'T buy a different boat just prior to that because the inspection found a lot of issues. Best $300 (the price of the inspection) that I ever spent ... Disappointingly, I shared the inspection with the seller and he continued to advertise the boat without disclosing the issues found in the inspection.
  19. that's a moot point unless the OP plans to drill another 20+ holes in the ski in order to soften the flex up.
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