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Posts posted by Zman

  1. Now I see the Reflex R rear boot on Seth's web site. But, are they still being made? I did not see them on the Reflex web site. If you were buying new, would you consider the 2012 system, 2 boots with the white cuff?
  2. This is John Zimmerman. Part of the older crowd in Men's 5. Currently residing in Illinois about 45 miles SW of Chicago. Moved up here from Alabama 2 years ago -yes, what the heck was I thinking? I gave up about 5 months of fine weather ski season - but I did build a house right on a very nice ski lake. Short season - but convenient.

    Have skied some in the course off and on since 1991 when I moved to Louisiana and got hooked up skiing with Joe Shea and Chad Scott. Finally did my first tourny about 6 years ago. This would not have happened - but I got a call from Chad to come over from Bama to ski in a touny at the Ski Ranch. I said I was still not interested in tournaments - then there was a pause on the phone - then Chad came back with two words, "You Pussy"! So, I signed up, came over the night before, drank lots of beer, then wrapped up the weekend with several good crashes, but one pass good for 1@35.

    Now I seem to ski a lil more consistent, maybe a lil smoother - but my best is still only 2@35. Well, that was until I moved north. I now have a sincer respect for northern skiers who ski so well with such a short season. I'm not sure I am cut out for skiing when my nads look like two-thirds of the Blue Man Group!

    Still have property on a fine ski lake north of Mobile, AL - one day we'll be back there skiing 10+ months a year again!

    Have my wife to thank for always being very supportive of my skiing, skiing some herself, and being a patient and very good boat driver! Hugs!

    Currently, on the mend - looking forward to next season! Cheers!

  3. @T8skier Great to hear your cast is off! Although, I have found the boot more difficult to sleep in than the cast was - bigger and bulkier and all the velcro.

    I am not sure you are behind any. I spoke with my Dr and it seems our recovery methods - though different - do not necessarily mean either is faster. The main difference I see is that I may be starting to move the foot around a little sooner and my end up with just slightly less atrophy. Not sure how your leg looked after getting the cast off, but even after only 2-1/2 weeks, I lost a little over an inch of calf muscle girth. I am still using crutches and no weight bearing. It is nice to take the boot off when I am just lying around - but only when I'm awake.

    I thought you were a lil longer post-op? Sure you didn't miss a week?

    Good luck with the boot and the start of your PT!

  4. @MikeT Be sure to keep some support under your knee when you leg is elevated to keep stress off the knee. See if you can bunch a pillow up behind your knee nad keep it bent some.

    Sounds like you are doing better than me exercising, I'm doing pretty much the same, just not as often. I have a Parabody home gym, so have been doing some bench presses, lat pull downs, etc. a couple times a week.

  5. @MikeT - 23 days post-op. I had that same "pressure" feeling for a while. Day by day it has diminished. And, when it did happen, it would start to feel better after I was up a while. At 23 days, this has pretty much subsided, or at least very tolerable now. Hang in there.

    I do try to get as much "leg elevated" time as possible and believe that is very important at this stage. With your cast still on you should try to put ice packs behind your knee while you are lying down, several times or more a day (maybe you are).

    I still swell some as well when I am not horizontal. But, I can remove the boot when I do get horizontal - which lets me put a large ice pack on it and the swelling goes away fast.

    I also get a little of that on and off burning sensation right above my heel - more annoying than it is painful, esp when trying to get to sleep.

  6. @Garn - When you try to back up an incline (uphill) you should seriously feel the brakes if they are working. In fact, the trailer brakes should stop you dead -especially if they are disc brakes. You are smart to be suspicious if you feel "pushed" when trying to brake.

    If they do not seem to be effective, you may just need to bleed the brakes, which is pretty easy to do. If your brakes are part of a UFP (Unique Functional Products), their web site has a number of very helpful files and videos - and their customer service has always been very good.

  7. If 1990's might work for you, consider a 1998-1999 Supra Legacy. Lots of room and ski's very good in a course. For 1980's, Supra had the Sunsport which is a fun all around inboard open bow with lots of room, and higher gunwale which can be good if you have small kids.
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