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Posts posted by Ryno

  1. 1) No you can mount it sideways on one of the side walls, you just need to make sure the arrow is aligned pointing toward the bow of the boat.

    2) You just need to enter those baselines into Stargazer again, I didn't need to re-calibrate mine, as my old baselines were fine.

  2. @OB Sure kids get into skiing initially because of parents or friends, but it's the glossy magazines with photo's of pro's that get that child motivated to improve and take it to the next level, rather than just treat it as a family day out. The people that watch Big Dawgs are already involved in the sport, so it's a bit of a stretch to think that a parent would get the family into skiing because of the Big Dawg series!

    You're right there aren't enough Pro events, for waterskiing to grow we need to fix this and if that means cutting away some Big Dawg events so be it.

  3. This is why I have no interest in watching the Big Dawg series. These guys want the same notoriety as pro-skiers, but when a legend like Andy meets the criteria for entry into the series, they spit the dummy and cry foul. Marcus Brown is on the money with his comments on the front page. Pro skiers dedicate their whole lives to the sport of waterskiing, and barely make ends meet doing it. Big Dawgs seem to only care about their little part of the sport and not about growing the sport as a whole.
  4. I have heard the same thing, at 55 kph and below they are more of a hindrance than help. Skiing without a wing should also improve your technique, in that you have to shift your weight correctly in the pre-turn to ensure you can get the ski to slow down.
  5. @Klondike Have you ever used Stargazer wake edition?

    I used it on my boat for 2 years (before I added Z box to it) and in basic slalom mode it still ran decent times/average speed through the course.

    Throwing an additional $300 down the toilet to gain magnet timing, for just in case your Z box fails (which no one has reported happening yet) seems absurd.

  6. @JamesW I really don't think it makes it more accessible to the masses, as cable parks are very few and far between in this part of the world - 4 or so in Australia, and none in New Zealand.

    And if you are lucky enough to live near one, the driving force for cable skiing these days is wakeboarding, so they'd very seldom be up to a speed where you can round some buoys on a ski.

  7. I love my SR2. Hortons review pretty much sold me on it (that was before I realised he gives positive reviews for every ski he tries!). I have no regrets in the purchase, it has done everything I was after in a new ski and my PB is now around 6 balls better.
  8. @xrated I was thinking the same thing. It sucks when you've got 3 days to hit the course and on the third day your body is wrecked and you can't ski. Recovery time would be a big advantage ~ more time spent on the water to improve technique. For that reason alone I'm surprised to hear that there isn't regular testing in the sport.


    The spin on steroids from the doco, leads you to believe that there aren't really any permanent side effects to using steroids, and most of the negative press seeming to come from the 'cheating' view. Also there was one idiot father that blamed steroids for his son killing himself.


    I can't use Steriods anyway; as we have random testing at work, but it's good to canvas the floor on your opinions.

  9. My boat has an outboard... so do I map it when the outboard the in between the gate buoys, or when the middle of the boat is at the buoys?


    It probably wouldn't make much of a difference either way, but I did find at strange that the instructions referenced the engine box for the mapping and not the ski pole.

  10. I watched the documentary "Bigger, Faster, Stronger" last night and was surprised by how widely used Steroids are in most sports in the US. With some kids starting to use in their teens whilst in high school.

    It had never occurred to me that people could be using steroids in waterskiing, but as widely available as it seems to be in the US, maybe I'm a little naive.


    I'm not trying to offend anyone on here, but what's your take on Steroid use? Do you think people are using in the waterskiing community? How regularly does it get tested for?



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