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Posts posted by GregHind

  1. GPS accuracy probably isn't a problem. Differential GPS can take care of that.


    For example a "buoy" sitting still on the bank can calculate the changing errors in the gps signal and tell the others what the current error is so they just take it into account. Worst case is the whole course, as one unit, might move a few feet from day to day BUT it should be possible to get the dimensions accurate if the drones can do it.

  2. @daved you need to do the deal yourself. Nobody else will have the passion and sending a lawyer sends $$$$$$ signals you don't want to send. Listen to what they want and find a way to make it work.
  3. @rodltg2 has he tried to buy the moulds back. They stopped producing the Malibu flightcraft barefooter 10 years ago maybe more?? Hey he is that clever, why doesn't he just dream up a new barefoot boat hull :smiley:
  4. @rodltg2‌ when you said wakecraft I thought David telling the flightcraft man?? Then I assumed he had the Malibu barefooter moulds. Now that would be a boat to bring back!!

    I don't know anything much about the Calabria barefoot back hopefully it is a good thing. The new outboards are a lot better. A flightcraft with an Optimax or etec averages about 2gph for family skiing.

    Nice to see the economy picking back up over there...



  5. @MISkier I'm not certain that 8.0.5 will make any difference to the pull for this situation, as he already has 8.0.4r. Have to ask the factory on that one.


    In this case, it may be a physical problem with the linkage catching. See the PP website support videos and work through each. The other thing it could be is low voltage due to poor boat wiring. @Tdub, what boat do you have, what year and what engine? Can help more then.


    It should be awesome and it is probably an easy fix.


    @escmanaze if you run Stargazer in classic mode, you get GPS no magnet all buoy timing. I've done it myself with 8.0.5 but it probably also works with most or all 8.0.x versions. For those that like classic mode, the latest version of Stargazer is a nice upgrade. Pull is the same but the screen setup is much nicer and the GPS no magnet stuff is very handy.

  6. Zero off is amazingly fast to lock in speed. When you change from 36 to 34 then engine doesn't 'slow' down it drops immediately. I don't think Zero would have any problems with your site.


    That said, I don't think Z box would have any problems with your site either. The whole purpose of Z box is to use accelerometers to detect speed changes and adjust immediately. It is very fast to make changes. I'm fairly confident that Z box would solve your issue. You already have Z box compatible software so you could borrow a Z box or buy one with an option to return it.



  7. @skiboyny that boat path is going to be a problem I think.


    Stargazer constantly recalibrates itself based on conditions. That turn will force it to think the boat is going slow. It will then increase the baseline rpm which will cause the problems you are having. Stargazer is a rpm overlay system which is calibrated by gps. That re calibration isn't instant.


    Do you have zbox? It may help I think. May even cure it. Z box reacts much quicker to boat speed changes and aim to fix them immediately


    Can you ski around the other side of the island?


    I think most important is to get straight before engaging.

  8. @bracemaker I was thinking the reason for the cable system would be to avoid creating a wake altogether. It would be very interesting to see scores in slalom and jump then. Nothing to interrupt the best "work" zone..... It would be like skiing behind a sky ski.
  9. Hi Skiboyny, still worth checking what the software version number is and telling me. I don't assume anything. Unless you've seen it is actually 8.0.5r then please check it.

    My suggestion would be to use the buoy. And slow down after you complete your pass. As you spin around the island, stay under engagement. Experiment about if you can disengage in time to properly re-engage at the marker buoy. Only reengage once the boat is straight.

    I'm sure there is an answer, please let us know how you go.


    Otherwise classic mode won't have this problem at all. Its still a nice pull.

  10. @skiboyny what speeds do you ski and what version of software do you run? I would try staying just under engagement speed until you have the boat straight.


    If you are turning all the way to the pregates I think you either need to fix that or ski in classic mode


    At moomba there is a curved entry at one end. The answer is a buoy placed before the pregates. You clip the buoy and complete the turn in this predetermined location. Makes it easy to get the boat straight in time


    Aerial pic for us???


    Software version??

  11. I've run them all in lots of boats. Version 7.6 was a lot better than 8.0 and 8.0.2. Definitely get the upgrade to 8.0.5


    Ball times, setup times and the pull were all a bit weird in early 8 versions.


    @rockdog I can get you the update but best to leave it until after the American summer there may be another update developed. If you aren't using it for the next three months then wait out our winter. They do most development in the short Canadian summer where they live.


    Normally pp don't sell the update via dealers. Makes sense you don't want dealers stockpiling and selling old software

  12. @chef23 yes it makes a massive difference on mechanical throttle boats. I haven't worked on dbw pp systems myself but I understand they also benefit hugely from the new software.


    Ed's instructions related to the old versions. They did seem to help some people but the new software is the answer. The pp programmers don't see any reason to have fake baselines. If it were necessary they would alter the programming to suit.


    Again not to put down Ed's instructions he is a top guy and very clever. However the new software is cheap and it is the best solution.

  13. @tdub, what software version do you have? You shouldn't have to tweak the baselines, but that kind of thing was necessary with early versions. The latest version is much, much better with setup times. I'll bet you need to upgrade. The new software is better all round so just do that. But first, what version do you currently run?
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