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Posts posted by Stoner

  1. @OB that is basically how I made my beach. Bobcat dug out rising terrain then a retaining wall. Might want to think about a French Drain type deal near base of wall. If the grade is steep enough the rain will flow over the wall and erode whatever is downstream to the lake. I just placed some of the green PVC with holes on one side in a trough in a gravel base and feathered out the top gravel then covered with sand. Ran the ends out to drain away from sand. Seems to slow the disappearing sand from the beach. Keeps the wife and kids happy.
  2. @Texas6 and @OB another thing that I have done in the past to prep the lake bottom prior to sand or gravel is to use a Lawn Sprinkler Irrigation pump with the output pumping the water back across the lake bottom. It does a really good job of pushing silt and muck back into the deep water thus you start from a better base than starting with sand on muck. I built a pvc attachment to the hose with a lazy man's bend so that I can stand upright and keep the end underwater. Think dredging. I have also learned through trial and error that high draw electric motors with long extension cords only validates the UL standards for safety. I now run the pump off a generator (about 10' away from pump) for this annual evolution with an extension cord that I could probably plug into 3 Mile Island.
  3. In my experience sand simply disappears unless you can get it as far off shore as possible- deeper than your average wader and work back into the shore or beach. Probably won't work in TX but we wait for the lake to freeze, back a dump truck barely on the ice then spread it with a bobcat. Ice melts. Problem solved. Check out www.lakemat.com for their product line. Public or private water is also a factor as far as regulations and such.
  4. @ScarletArrow - Torch lake is beautiful but IMO will be a zoo around the 4th. One of our kids is a camp counselor up at Torch and just driving around Traverse City can be a challenge during tourist season. As far as skiing - hit or miss. My ski partner pontooned up there for a week this summer and was shocked at the amount of glass and free skiing that he missed by taking the wrong boat. Another buddy of mine lives in Traverse and trailers his Sportstar to either Cedar, Leelanau, or Crystal Lake. Courses on Crystal and Cedar. Good luck. There are a ton of lakes here in MI.
  5. @DooSPX, I concur about the Vice. Recently upgraded to one in the hope that my forced change from RFF to LFF couldn't be more of an adventure even with a better ski. From glass to gripple more stable than I remember any of my old skis. Also, free skied in some rollers and wind whip as soon as the ice melted- stable enough to not eat the wake.
  6. I free skied on the Potomac about 20 years ago... Last time I was in Old Town Alexandria, year or two ago, I was surprised to see a couple of MC trailers in the marina parking lot at the crack of dawn when I ran by... Good luck.
  7. Speaking of moisture in fuel- check out Star Tron enzyme fuel treatment. I have been using it to eat the water that somehow leaches out of ethanol when gas sits for a while, especially in plastic gas cans. I never passed chemistry but it even cleaned up 5 gallons in an old school metal vented can that I have on a little boat with a small outboard. Boat got swamped in a rain storm and the can was floating and vented. Oops.
  8. I think that any sport that has a cadre of "Professionals" lends to itself more credibility than not, look at Putt Putt and Bowling. I remember both of those on Wide World of Sports and argue that the only way those "sports" got air time was due to the word professional. They were the best in their realm. Certainly wasn't for the drama and athleticism. With that said, the mere fact that my youngest (9 girl) and only skier out of four kids asked me to help her find a Pro Skier role model renewed my faith in mankind. Much better than the 17 mancub thinking that he has a future with his chosen stellar role models in the NBA.
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