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Posts posted by gyoung

  1. Thanks for all the advice, just what I was after. Looks like I am going to swallow my pride and slow the speed down and try and keep good body position. I am on a senate C so hopefully it should cope with the slower speed. Skiing the course definitely highlights how bad a skier you really are, but it's so much fun. @ShaneH my wife is learning how to ski at the moment so hopefully she will get the bug too. The money side of things is still a problem.
  2. What is the best method to running the course? Is it best to slow down to 26-28mph (and risk sinking too much), or should you increase the speed and focus on going round ball 1and 2, go just inside 3 and 4, then try to go round 5 and 6. Does anyone have a method that has helped teaching people. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for all the advice @SkiJay and @ShaneH . After reading your posts and not being able to remove the fin block to adjust it, I have decided to get back on my senate C. The senate C is 67in and skis great, just wanted to see what the KD was like.
  4. Here's hoping someone can help with the factory settings. The current set up is Depth 2.48in, DFT .92in, fin length 6.89in. Back of the front binding is 29.21in from tail. I am 187lb and it's a 66in ski. @Horton I ski at 34mph 15off, and only ski in the course every couple of weeks. You can still buy KD skis over here but this one is probably 10 years old like you said.
  5. I have been given a KD 7000 to try. My off side feels great, nice and smooth, good angle and acceleration but my on side wont turn. Bindings are central and fin is stock. What adjustment to the fin should I do to help initiate the turn. Thanks ballers.
  6. I was told by a marine mechanic with 30 years exp not to use grease. He said to fill your grease cartridge in your grease gun with oil and pump that in. bit messy but works great. I have a 1994 prostar and the steering was very stiff, I can steer it with one finger now.
  7. I have ear problems which has required me to see an audioligist alot in the past 8 months. It nearly put an end to my skiing. I wanted to get back on the water and suggested Docs pro plugs to my audioligist, she checked them out and said they may not offer much protection in a high speed crash. She said i should get some custom made swim plugs. They are great, they look the same as the ones Wish posted above. They do dull the sound a bit, but the peace of mind knowing you wont damage your ears or get water in them is fantastic.
  8. @PT Mike, totally agree about dawn skiing, could`nt think of a better way to start the day. (except for one thing, but that doesnt happen much anymore). It does take a bit longer to warm up compared to skiing in the evening. I was free skiing on a tidal river the other day with about a 2mph current. Had perfect pass set at 34mph, skiing with the flow my airguide speedo was showing 32mph and skiing against the flow it was showing 36mph. Trying to work out how this would effect times through a fixed course.
  9. Mike, how do your times go skiing through the course when the tide is coming in or out. If the course is fixed but the water is moving at 2or 3mph do you need to adjust the speed after one pass then coming back the other way. Hoping somone with more intelligence than me can explain how it would work. I am thinking about setting up a portable course in a tidal area as well.
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