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Everything posted by wwk87

  1. Check out Okeeheelee Park on Google Maps, they caught a couple of boats with skiers in tow in their photos: https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=okeeheelee+park&fb=1&gl=us&hq=okeeheelee+park&cid=0,0,1129728604597620501&ei=VS8EUNqUKY6o8QSe3Lz8Bw&ved=0CHcQrwswAw
  2. While Andy and Jeff do blur the lines, Andy will be 50 later this year and Jeff doesn't qualify to be in the Big Dawgs because he's placed too high in recent tournaments. It would be nice to see more emphasis on the Legends division where Andy, Jeff, Kris, Lucky, and others could compete without being a part of the Big Dawgs. But if they want to compete in the Big Dawgs I don't have a problem with it, 34 MPH doesn't mean it's any easier when you're switching from 36.
  3. I use these flat adhesive mounts - http://gopro.com/camera-mounts/flat-adhesive-mounts/ You can see it at the beginning of this video: http://vimeo.com/20243735/settings
  4. @Bruce - Jeff Rodgers matched his record in 2003 at Trophy Lakes and ran 2@43 in a run off in 2004 against JB. I think the rules of eligibility for the Big Dawgs do a good job at keeping anyone out who would run the table. Jeff says that 34 mph isn't any easier, and that it takes a lot of adjusting to get used to the slower speed. I also think a 35 MPH division would be a good idea.
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