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Posts posted by E_T

  1. BAN PRIVATE LAKES AND MOVE ALL SKIING TO OPEN WATER problem solved. There are not many sports in the world where we all have the access to the top level of coaching. Why can't everyone have access to a ski course? Because YOU don't want the sport to grow, you limit your club members and number of guests so that YOU can have more time on the water. This is not a team sport this is a sport of YOU and until you add some sort of team aspect to it, there will not be a mass following like y'all want. I do not compete in my respected event because once you add a competitive force to it, it becomes work. Most of the skiing population skis for fun and relaxation and to hang out on the lake with friends and try new things. Not to be sitting on the starting dock for 3hrs listing to some pompous A$$ complain about someone bringing a guest to teach skiing on a course.
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