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Posts posted by BlueSki

  1. How many others watch the tip of the ski come under the line as mentioned by @Razorskier1?


    I think it probably something I should be far more attentive to, but I am usually thinking about where I am headed. I do often catch in my peripheral vision how much of my ski is in the water through the turn, but I probably have not caught a glimpse it in relation to the line like I should be.

  2. I skied a clinic he taught this summer. He was immediately impressive as a level headed guy. I think he approached coaching like he does skiing. He kept it simple, focused on some key things I needed to work on, and now I am consistently running 6 buoys more than before the clinic.
  3. Used my new Eagle front zip with extra flotation in both the chest and back over the weekend after using a USCG O'Neill for a number of years. It floated me very well and I took two good falls and felt fine. I did not have the full test by slamming my face and chest into the wake. If I do, I'll let you know how it works out.
  4. Periodic doses of diluted uric acid applied while the boat is in the water can help maintain the like-new luster of the prop and rudder. It can be delivered from in the water or even above the water from the swim platform. Applying while the boat is on the trailer is generally frowned upon.
  5. I picked up a Jr. Siege for my son who needs something more than the Jr. Vortex combo that was great for learning to get up on one. The Siege arrived yesterday and while one running edge is smooth like any other well made ski, the other edge is noticeably rough for almost the entire length of the ski, almost as if it received too thin of a coating of the outside layer or was pulled from the mold too quickly. Just curious if anyone thinks it will matter. The ski was not a ordered as a blem.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I love my S1, I am skiing very well on it, and I have no intentions of getting rid of it. My thought is that LaPoint and the rest of the team knew they could do better, but that is a universal truth for everything, and must have concluded that the S1 was not the best foundation on which to build.


    BTW, great site.

  7. It took some adjustment for me to like the S1. I could not ski on it the first time out. After a trip with some open water skiing I tweaked the fin and it helped considerably. I recently moved the bindings forward slightly and now it is skiing even better. In the spirit of full disclosure, I was previously riding a 9100 I could not bear to part with.
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