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Posts posted by Joeprunc

  1. @estrom & @oldjeep those are one of the types of weeds that plague the CA delta. Water hyacinth, they float down the river and find places to hang out and grow. They can double in size in 10 days if the weather is right, and have completely clogged water ways down here. We cleaned the course before skiing, but I guess with the boat wakes and tide shift another island of weeds floated out into the course on me.


    @itch2ski its a 95 Tige' SLM 2000 (that's with a full tank of gas, 3 people aboard and gear, back seat, and a full cooler). The only boat I've been behind that I like better at slower speeds is a 1999 196 (but it didn't have a rear seat or any gear, and only two people aboard).


    @Chef23 in the back of my mind I was thinking of the S2, but wasn't sure if its a wide ski or not, as there are two members who just purchased them last year. They both tried the HO Coex and S2 but both loved the S2 much more, they didn't try the A2 or A3. Would one size down (length wise) with an S2?


    @eleeski thank you for the sizing advice, I think that is my biggest concern, the 67" F1x was too big and the 65" Vice seems too small, so I think a 66" should be where I should start. I don't mind shelling out the $$ (...well not for a new Goode). Plus withe the '14s coming out the '13s should start going cheap, I found a good deal on a '13 Prophecy.


    I've wanted to make it over to Sunset Ski Ranch for some coaching, but just haven't found free time this year, looking on their website, it looks like they demo D3 skis.



  2. I'm looking for a new ski for three reasons: 1) My 65" Vice is too small for me. 2) My wife loves the ski and wants me to get a new one so she can inherit the Vice. 3) There are just so many good skis out there.I live in the Delta, if any one knows of a shop that demos skis please let me know.I'm 155-160 lbs 5'-9" (maybe 165 lbs after a week on Lk Shasta). I ski the course at 30 mph - 32 mph (15' off, see videos bellow), and would like to see the buoys at 34 mph @ 22' before winter strikes. I've been working on form at 30 and 32 mph, and free ski at 34 mph. I don't plan on skiing the course faster than 34 mph. I started on a 67" Connelly F1x but at around 32 mph I could not get it to turn well. So last year I down sized to a 65" Vice. It turns much better, and I like the speed out of the turn, but I feel the ski sinking when I'm early at 30 mph, I blotch a turn (usually 4), then play catch up the rest of the course. I also find it quite hard to get wide without cutting past the second wake. I also feel like when I get tired the ski tends to porpoise thru the exit of my turn (does it especially on my weak side, I'm sure it has to do more with form than ski). I also have problems finishing my off side turn. I like the quickness of the ski, but feel like my turns on the Connelly are were more predictable and consistent, but a lot slower. I know a ski will not improve my form, but if your wife tells you to buy a ski what option do you have?So what ski should I give a try??My initial though it to get a 2013 Connelly Prophecy, (but I have not a clue what size 66" or 67")Second thought is to go big and not look back, get a Goode Nano/Nano One LFF from Ski-it-again. (again no a clue what size)With the Vapor coming out maybe a 66" or 67" Strada on the cheap would help with the porpoise and inconsistency of my turns. But maybe the Strada/Vice shape isn't for me...?Or should I wait for the Vapor?Or a fellow club member just got a Goode Fire and loves it.Or go with the A3? I've never been on an HO.Everyone in our club skis Goode or HO. Or am I getting to far ahead of myself. I'm still at slow speeds should I get a mid ride ski??MY HEAD IS SPINNING!!Here are two video's of me skiing a few months ago, sorry for the crappy quality operator error. And don't mind the weeds ;0.@30mph

    Joe#1 30@15' from Joe Prunckle on Vimeo.


    Joe#1 32@15' from Joe Prunckle on Vimeo.

    @32mph no make

    Joe No make 32@15' from Joe Prunckle on Vimeo.

  3. Had my brothers 2 1/2 year old on one of these last week. She has never been behind a boat and absolutely loved it. We taught her the signals. She kept giving me the thumbs up to go faster...I guess the 10 mph speed limit was too slow for her.


    They are a little pricey, but grandma (my Mom) loves buying new toys.


  4. I did not make it to any courses (or even look for one), just free ski and enjoy being on the water with family and friends.

    @musclefixer Thank you for the invite, it just didn't pan out for me to make it out there.


    A good think with having ample amount of time on the water was my wife skied my ski a few days while on the lake, and absolutely loves it. I've been talking about getting a new ski for a few weeks as everyone in my club thinks my ski is too small for me. So now she wants me to get a new ski before this weekend so she can claim mine.

  5. @Waternut I think I might be currently in the hole that you once were in. Everyone keeps telling me my ski is too short. I'm 5'-9" - 155lbs and on a 65" Vice. I've decided I need to start shopping for a ski as well.


    Curious to see what you end up getting. I need to start looking for a shop around me that demos skis.

  6. @gsm_peter ....what @shaneh said.


    I am weak and small so if I come out of my weak side turn, and don't focus on keeping my chest facing the boat (or down the rope) my lead shoulder gets pulled towards the boat and my upper body follows. I've tried a ton of things to help with my ever so weak offside turn, this is the first thing that hit home with me.


    I agree it can be a bit distracting because its more difficult to pick up the next buoy coming across the second wake, but at this point I'd rather look good than make balls. I'm actually glad we don't have a lovely lady flashing, because I'd probably end up in the weeds.

  7. Had a friend tell me to yell as loud as I could what was written on the back of the ski boat.


    I wonder what other people thought as I was yelling "WORLD CHA......" 6 times as I was going down the course. (All I could get out was World and a few more letter before I was off the second wake). But it worked. They said they usually have a girl flash after each turn, but we only had two ugly dudes in the boat.


    It feels awesome when someone has a slightly different approach to helping out and everything clicks.

  8. We took my long time river ski buddy through the course yesterday. We offered to pull him in the open water, but after seeing three of us run through the course, he was determined to give it a try. He is a great open water skier and I rarely see him crash, but yesterday he had 3 of the worst crashes I've ever seen. All trying to push his comfort zone to make it around a silly ball. We kept telling him to take it easy and shadow the balls, but his competitive nature took over.


    Needless to say he had a great time and can't wait to get back out and try it again.



  9. I'm a rookie at skiing too. But from what I see it looks like you are skiing quite well. You definitely have the ability to get that 32 mph and beyond.


    From what I can tell is you have a few great turns/pulls followed by one that throws the rest of your pass off. At 30 mph you can scramble back and make up for those mistakes, but at the faster speeds its more difficult to play catch up.


    Again I'm no expert, but it looks like you are a bit tail heavy thru the finish of your turn. Notice how the tip of the ski comes up as you finish your turn. Its a bit hard to tell, but it also looks like your front leg straightens out as you round the buoy causing a tail heavy turn. Your 4 ball at 30 mph looked the most fluid. I'd keep working on skiing 30 mph and using the whole ski to make that turn.



  10. Heard good things about Hula too.


    I used Babes, now using Boat Bling Hot Sauce, had a free sample of Boat Candy.

    They all work well for a wipe down after skiing. (I actually though the Boat Candy worked the best of the three, but only had a small sample to use).


    If your boat has been neglected you probably will want to use an orbital or buffer to buff it out. I start with an oxidation remover (Meguires Oxidation remover), followed by two coats of polish (Starbrite w/ PFET), and a few coats of wax (3m pure wax). I try to do this once or twice a year. My boat has not seen a garage in 6 years and still looks beautiful.

  11. I will be hitting 32 this winter, and also feel like a got ran over by a truck when I ski 3 days in a row.


    My summer exercise consists of skiing 2-3 days a week with an occasional 1 wakeboard set mixed in there, jumping in the hot tub every evening after skiing. Running once a week. And sitting on my ass in front of a computer for the rest of the week.


    My winter exercise consists of telemark skiing once to twice a week, dirt biking once every two weeks, and sitting on my ass infront of this stupid computer the rest of the time.


    This use to work just fine for me, but I just noticed this year that some of my size 31 shorts are a little tighter than normal (I've been a size 31 waste since I was a junior in high school)....but I blame that on the new dryer ;).


    A satellite gym (just machines/free weights/treadmills) opened up down the street from my home office, maybe I should join and work out during my lunch every day. That would be the first time I set foot in a gym since I was in college.

  12. As @LeonL said, what do you mean by "PP hunts around"? Does your speedometer change speeds slightly (if so this is somewhat normal with pp on RPM mode)? Or does it feel like your boat is overshooting then undershooting....etc.


    If there is no skier behind your boat on the open water, you should be able to get to its base rpm and hold it there.


    The magnets and fall button are only for checking the timing thru the course, after each pass you have the ability to adjust the rpms by increments of 5 rpms depending on current and wind. The magnets or fall button does not adjust the speed/rpms as you are skiing, its only a timing system.


    Once your system is calibrated at zero skier weight (without a skier) for each speed thru the course, you should be set for open water skiing using the ski mode. Also on a side note usually you do not ski as hard or aggressive on the open water, I've found that if I slow my rpms to -30 or so its a more accurate speed on open water.

  13. I know a lot of people that are much better than me say don't mess with your fin or boots....but I decided to move both my front and rear binding forward the other week on a club member's recommendation. I'm not sure if its I'm more comfortable skiing, or the relocation of bindings actually helped, but I am not tail riding anymore. And feel a lot stronger coming out of the turn and thru the pull. And a lot smoother edge change.


    As far as fin movement, I took the winger-dinger off and will not even think about touching the fin until I'm at atleast 28 off (that's a long way away for me).


    Another thing that might help you...Try focusing on keeping the back leg straight and front ankle bent thru the gates, and one ball, then mirror the rest of the course focusing on the same thing. Keep doing this until it is second nature coming out of one, then add two ball, and continue thru the progression of the rest of the buoys. The reason I say this is in my progression, I could apply good form in steps thru the course. For me the first few buoys everything was great, then I started focusing on the next buoy and not form. I made bad habits worse just to get to the next one. At first it I could only focus on form thru #2. So I stopped trying to ski around #3 and focus on the pull out of two. Once that was linked together I added the turn around #3, and so on and so forth. I would still ski the course, just not around the buoys. This allowed me to keep my timing thru the course.

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