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Everything posted by Omland

  1. Do the BOAs run big or small? I'm debating between ordering a medium or a large. I'm 6'4" and have pretty big hands but they are skinny. I had ordered a pair of 41 tails that were an XL and they are way too big, hands blister every time I use them.
  2. I'm thinking of getting a pair of Strada boots for my new setup. I'm worried about how snug they are on your feet? I currently have animal bindings and I like having my foot feel snug in the binding. If you can't cinch the stradas down does your foot feel loose or is it still possible to get a snug fit where your foot feels pretty secure in the boot?
  3. Thanks for the tips. I guess I'll just keep rolling with the two hands. Hopefully I reach a point where the rope length requires me to drop.
  4. I just started skiing the course last season. I have been given mixed advice on what I should do with regards to keeping two hands or one on the handle. I'm curious what people here would say. I have been able to run all my passes with two hands on the rope. Nothing great, my PB is just 3.5 at 22off. But some people have told me you should ski every pass you can with two hands while others have said I should start dropping a hand this season despite being able to run the pass with two hands on the handle. I'm pretty tall with long arms so I have a lot of reach, when I do try and drop a hand I feel I don't need it. What would everyone here recommend?
  5. @Than_Bogan Can you explain your way late comment? Are you saying he is late because he is almost to the ball and hasn't gotten the edge change done yet? I don't know that I've ever really talked to or read information on what it means to be late/early or wide/narrow and would just like to hear from a better skier on what they mean when they say this.
  6. @eurosport It looks sweet.
  7. @MattP when you say just over the edge for a 66 that means you think a 67 would be a better size?
  8. @MattP 36mph. I just started skiing the course this summer. At the end of the summer I was just starting to get into 22 off at 36mph. So I guess sometimes I'm still at speeds below 36 but hoping to just be at 36mph most of next summer.
  9. What kind of binding is that on the front?
  10. Is there a size chart somewhere for HO skies? I think I'm right between a 66 and 67. 6'4" currently 172 pounds. This seems like a good deal, I'm in the market for a new ski but with all the options not sure if it's better to demo something first? I've never shopped for a ski before, will A3's and the other new skis start showing up for sale slightly used pretty quickly or does it take a while for slightly used skis to make it out for resale.
  11. I presently struggle with pull-ups.
  12. Chris, I live in Montana and work in software / product management / strategy. I have been skiing for maybe 10 years off and on, usually just during the summer a couple nights a week or more recently just a few weekends a summer. I randomly found and contacted Otter Tail club in Montana this year as I have always wanted to ski a course. I ended up joining the club and skiing as much as my body could handle, probably skiing more this summer than I ever have in my life. I managed to get 3 @ 22 off towards the end of the season which was awesome for me. In addition to getting the chance to run the course it has been amazing just learning about the community of water skiers. I never realized such a community existed. I also have just enjoyed learning about the boats, driving, different ski setups, etc... It was a huge change for me from only ever driving a Bayliner I/O on public lakes to driving a Malibu TXI on a private man made lake. I also got a chance to ski behind a master craft which was also a dream of mine since I started skiing. It's been a great learning experience. I was turned on to BOS by @jipster43 and find myself checking the site almost everyday. My goals for next year are to follow a lot of @horton tips for shortening the trip to 32 off. I am still on a HO CDX-1 that I bought randomly when I was in high school. So, I'm in the ski is older than 5 years old group. I want to get coaching before I buy a new ski but am planning on upgrading as soon as I can. I generally ski with people much better than me so I have that box checked. I hope to be able to make a trip with the club to ski with Jodi Fisher or take a trip on my own for coaching. I plan to take a bunch of video and hope to run 28 off next summer.
  13. I just started skiing the course this year for the first time. I used a simple spreadsheet to track my sets, curious how the rest of you track your ski sets over the year?
  14. How would you describe the differences between Mapple (and possibly others) and some of the "new school" skiers, if any? I was reading some of the posts by @MarcusBrown in the thread on Nate Smith that @Horton posted. When I watch videos of Mapple it seems he doesn't really open up to the boat like Marcus describes. I also don't see as much counter rotation. Would you all agree with this? Is there other aspects that are different? Has one style proved to be more effective or easier?
  15. Thanks @horton. @jipster43 turned me on to the site, we ski together in Montana. Love the site, been a silent observer for a while but look forward to getting more involved.
  16. I just started skiing the course this year, mid-July. I started skiing at 28mph, I was able to run the course at that speed and was obsessed with trying to get to 36mph so I always wanted to up my speed. One thing that helped me was trying to focus on being solid in the passes rather than progress my speed and be loose in the course. What I would do is run my opener and then just work on my next pass until I ran it 3 - 4 times in a row. If I did this I would allow myself to progress to the next speed. At the end of the season, which for me just happened earlier this month, I threw this out the window and the second I ran 36mph I chopped the rope just so I could say I did it. Next year I'll probably go back to 15 off at 36mph and work on that pass until I can run it 3 - 4 times in a row and then start chopping the rope again.
  17. @Horton I think they were fine, not too painful to watch. I know my way around forums but it kind of drove me to fill out profile.
  18. Thank you very much for the responses and answers, this helps.
  19. I have never bought a new ski before but plan to do so this year and had a few questions. I currently ski on an HO CDX1 that I just picked up off a shelf and bought with Animal bindings. It's a 65". I'm 6'4 and weigh about 165 or 170. I am thinking of ordering the new A3. I couldn't find a sizing chart but found a couple for the A2, I think I need a 66 or 67"? I also have a few questions on bindings. After reading these forums it sounds like not many people are using the Exo binding system. What would people recommend for a hardshell binding? It sounds like maybe the Radar Strada or Goode Powershell? If you do order bindings from a different brand than HO how hard are they to mount on the ski and get into the correct position? Thanks.
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