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Everything posted by robb

  1. Put the thread of an eye bolt through both of the swagged ends. and then through drilled hole in boy arms at width required. Use eye of eye bolt for leader line up to boat guide.
  2. Hi looking at getting syndicate hardshell is the sizing accaure ? I use a size 10 us runner assume i should get a size 10, 11 hardshell any feed back would be great ?
  3. Is it possible you have The course mapped twice. I have seen this cause problems. Always remap do not map as new course.
  4. @skijay got you book about three weeks ago great book well put together. Worth the delay in shipping Rob
  5. @SkiJay thanks I will keep my eye on letter box Rob
  6. @skijay I received an email that my order was shipped on the 8th of Jan But I still have not received my copy. I Sent you a couple of emails but have had no response. If you could get back to me that would, be great Regards Rob
  7. Drew Ross place winter garden Amazing site great coach
  8. @ Chris Rossi thanks I'm currently on a 67 orange strada
  9. @Chris Rossi also i should add that I ski @ 36 mph
  10. @Chris Rossi I'm 170 lbs and 5.74 tall should I go for the 66 or 67 I run 35 off on a good day Thanks
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