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Freddie Winter

Elite Skier
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Posts posted by Freddie Winter

  1. The point is not the beer in itself but the atmosphere that it is a part of. Each of the Buoys, BBQ and Beers events were more fun to be involved in than the World Championships by a distance. I can guarantee you that sentiment would be echoed tenfold by the people standing on the sides of Lake 2 at TBS last April and December or that 'channel' in Paris last September.


    People ski for fun. I'd say the collegiate/ BB+B model is a movement back towards that. Collegiate skiing is the only part of the sport that's grown recently. The model is a success.

  2. I agree with @Horton (what?!). I feel like those bashing the magazine since Trent and the rest of the guys got involved didn't read it. In the two issues since the redesign it was solely skiing, no filler of wakeboarding, wakesurf, as has been suggested. The 'living legends' articles on Parrish, Will, Regina and, of course, Freddy Krueger from this time last year are up there with the best stuff that's been on those pages in years and years. Todd was great but I think the new direction was also.


    I'm honestly gutted about this. I spent a lot of time over the years reading that magazine. Of course market forces are in play, we have a sport that's not exactly growing and print media has been dying for years. But this is a huge loss to skiing. The magazine inspired me as a kid. Those photos and the articles on the ski life made me want to ski more than anything. Where is the resource that's going to inspire kids now to go ski?

  3. Supporting Vettel? You know he's German right?! :smiley: (Disclaimer: This is a clearly a joke, I don't dislike Germans in general, just Vettel. Though if you didn't notice the joke you don't have a sense of humour so you're probably also German)
  4. I was just interested in the statement that everyone would go on their heels. I've had a few people tell me that the roller boots we all use as hard shell water ski boots are built to be used used on the toes but we just bolt them to the plate flat pushing our toes up, not in the position they were intended to be used*. Im amazed people are making them even flatter. For me doing that would put me on my heels. I don't know about everyone else but I'm way less nimble on my heels than my toes.

    *wisdom courtesy of the denali guys at malibu open.

  5. @Chad_Scott didn't see you last post until now. I'm not assigning blame to you or any of the organisers, far from it. Like you said, I know you well enough to know that you would be the most disappointed and frustrated about this. If you get told you can't use the lake it isn't your fault. It just blows my mind that this order came at the last moment.


    I am however not incredibly happy with the situation as a whole, which has seen me spend serious money (as far as I'm concerned) to travel across the world for no result.

  6. @Than_Bogan eh, why would I be emotional? I've only come from the other side of the Atlantic and spent multiple thousands of unrecoverable dollars on flights etc in the hope that I'd be able to compete and earn a part of it back. As @theboardingschool says, good thing I'm loaded as a pro and this money means nothing to me.
  7. My feeling is that there are more RFF skiers at the top because they have more offside turns in the course - 3 for RFF, 2 for LFF (buoy 6 isn't a turn). This forces the RFF skier to ski more offside turns every pass, every set, every year than a LFF skier by 33% meaning they become more proficient on their harder turn and therefore a more balanced skier overall without having to do anymore work. This is in their favour when it comes to skiing at a high level.
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