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Posts posted by aupatking

  1. That's one of the best looking trailers I've seen as well. Do you know who made it, and by chance, if they are available State's side?

    Beautiful boat, you'll love it!

  2. If any of you Ballers took Freddie up on the invitation, I'm sure you'll agree, the sessions with him were great. He's a really good coach, with simple instruction that fixed (or will fix with practice) the root of my problems, not the symptoms.

    I really appreciate your time. Looking forward to skiing with you again @FWinter . If you are ever driving through the Mobile/Pensacola area, you've got my number, I've got a group of guys that would be stoked to ski with you.2tmn0jr4krwp.jpg


  3. I'm glad everyone was taking this serious, but really? No one noticed the illustration? Maybe it's me but I was under the impression that DFT and DTF were two, VERY different concepts. I'm am very curious, will my calipers measure DTF? If so, how is this measurement taken, where do I place the calipers, and....? My list of questions only gets bigger.
  4. For your weight, I'm with @Horton. I wouldn't even question it. I'm 6'2 190, 195 right now because I'm just now back on my feet, again . I've been asking myself the same question lately. I run a 67 at 34mph and love it. I don't think I need more ski, but just wonder if there is performance I'm missing out on. I used to run 66 when I was around 175-180.

    I'm just now trying to get back in my -28 pass. That just seems like a lot of ski to turn.

    You guys think I SHOULD be on a 68?

  5. @Horton the Percocet worked for me after my last surgery. B) I've found a couple posts I don't remember making. Don't post once you go to Norco, even the spell check doesn't help. There's just no keeping a thought in your head.
  6. @Ilivetoski , I bet. I'd be super ready to have the right plate. Might be a bit pissed too. I guess it's an honest mistake, but so is putting 3 wheels back on your car at the tire shop.

    I'm fairly certain you'll like what you've got when you get the right stuff.

    Do not put it on and go! Dry land test first, my 4 setting feels like my buddy's 7.

  7. No, @Ilivetoski yours would very likely have 3 sets of holes for the toe loop. The xl plate has only 1 set of holes. @Gloersen is correct as well though, there are holes in the rear for your release mechanism hinge. Your problem sounds more like the plate being for the size 12 boots though
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