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  1. I haven't seen a DD boat at the Salt Lake boat show in years. When I've asked, the answer has usually been that they bring the boats that they sell a lot of. While the DD boats move quickly, they don't move a lot - at least not in our market. I did get one response this year that the DD boat had sold just before the show. Other than that, there were some smaller V-drive boats, but nothing slalom specific. This is also a year-round problem in that it is hard to test drive a DD boat since most are custom ordered and the new owners don't want other people to play with their new toy before they do. So, we pay big money for a boat based solely on recommendations, not actual experience.
  2. I figured that I was a little late - okay, a lot late - but I've just lacked the discipline to get myself up and exercising in the morning regularly. I hope that I survive this experience and it motivates me to get back on a regular exercise plan until I can get out to my lake regularly. I also appreciate the advice on wrapping the palms. I'll give that a try. I am usually in colder, fresh water so my hands are typically okay, but I understand that warmer salt water tends to increase skin tears.
  3. I have five days to transform from winter couch potato to water skiing shape for a clinic I'm attending on a vacation. I konw that I won't be at PB level, but what recommendations do you have so that I will at least be able to walk and use my arms after the clinic? I'd rather hurt now than then.
  4. My plan was to have a regular exercise regimen in place through the winter to not put the weight on in the first place, but since I failed miserably at that, I'm now working on being very aware of what and how much I eat, and finding every opportunity that I can to exercise and burn more calories. I'm hoping that will pay off at least by mid-summer. I wish that I had a magic potion that would do the trick, but this has been the only thing that has worked for me.
  5. My lake was frozen over except for the pumps around the docks when I was out there last week. This week has been warm, but we're going to drop again next week. Waiting for the water to thaw before I break out the drysuit. I'm going to ski in Cancun later this month just to get some time on the water.
  6. And, this is coming from a 40-something skier, who considers himself not quite to middle age yet.
  7. I had a couple of interviews with Radar and HO for www.weekendwaterskier.com talking about the skis they recommend for various skiers. Look for episode 5 with Chris Rossi from Radar, episode 6 with Marcus Brown from HO, and the upcoming episode 9 with Chris Sullivan, product manager for Radar. From those interviews, and with the information that you've said, I would say that the Radar Theory or the HO Triumph would probably fit well for you. I ride a Radar Theory at a similar level of proficiency. It's been a great ski for me for a few years.
  8. kevintcom


    @ral, sorry for the repeat comment. I got an error on the first two and didn't know they'd posted.
  9. kevintcom


    I was reading comments about how the gate impacts novice skiers. However, in a Grassroots tournament, I understand that the gates are optional for novices. Really, the gates only start to count for higher skill levels, and that is when I think the skiers should be more ready to ski them. I don't think that we change the entire course just because of one tournament. I can think of plenty of times when I wished a football field (American) had been either a yard longer or shorter to cause my favorite team to win. However, I wouldn't change the field just for one game. The same seems to apply here.
  10. Weekend Water Skier Podcast talks about Malibu's new TXI and the changes they made for long-line skiers in 2013. Also, a great source for custom mooring lines for your boat. Listen or subscribe in iTunes: http://itun.es/i6Jr3b5 What vanity purchases have you made for your boat?
  11. I'm not as advanced as some, running in the 30 - 32 MPH range; but a couple of years ago, Bob LaPoint told me to take the wing off my ski. He told me that I didn't need the extra deceleration from the wing. It's worked well for me. And here I thought that little piece of extra metal was critical for my advancing.
  12. Weekend Water Skier has a new episode out featuring nautique Boats and FlyBoard. It released on 2 March, and as of today, 4 March, iTunes hasn't grabbed it yet. Get it before the public and learn about how you can feel like a comic book hero or villain on the water. http://www.weekendwaterskier.com/?p=140
  13. Thanks, @MarcusBrown, for the correction. I'll work to get @Drago credit for his efforts.
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