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Posts posted by Golfguy

  1. Very formative planning for a water ski club/pay to ski in the Phoenix area. I need to know what level of interest there is. Basically, I have access to a rotation on a private lake outside of Phoenix. Conversations started. Any interest?
  2. My vote is that AWSA gets out of the boat testing an approval business. Specs for speed tolarences and course deviation standards are as far as they should go. If a Bass boat could preform to these standards, who cares? (exageration to prove a point) No one asked for bigger more expensive ski tugs. With the AWSA, like with so many professional orginizations, the primary objective is to fund itself and the benifits to the members are questionable. We are all too close to the problem to solve it. It needs to be blown up and re-written. If the market for three event boats was thin 15 years ago, tripling the price can't be the answer. My $.02.
  3. @JeffSurdej It is not a true statement to say that there is no Alpin Ski coveage on TV. There is very good coverage of Wold Cup events. Remember Lindsy Vonn? The sweet heart of Ski racing, dated Tiger Woods. I hate to say this but AWSA has had their run, time for a sea change, or go down with the ship. I realize this is a blunt opinion, but you know what they say about doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Pease and Love to all.


  4. I have had the 2020 since late August. It has pulled 3 tournaments in the Phoenix area. The 6L engine is naturally stronger, better hole shot etc. More notably it tracks better than ever, and the stearing is tighter. The all around feel is very solid. We talk about drivability, which the MC does well at, but it is really about how the skier likes it. (right?)
  5. Three in Az last weekend. Watching the skiers from the judges tower, the ski was rock solid in every stage of the pull/turn. Smooth as butter. I can't wait to ski mine again tomorrow. Thanks Jeff for your glowing review, you are spot on.
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