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Everything posted by Bakinblak

  1. Yes trends are always changing anf AF is F'd. Im sure other clothing stores are more convenient. The software phone computer tablet and videogame industries have been changing faster. Good thing the charges are clearly told to me because at those prices you might want to hide it. First my life is.dull and boring and now you want me to sit in front of a computer and buy your half destroyed clothing? My most loved clothes are being worn by korean women and summer is coming... The rest are in my closet. I express love to my friends by taking them skiing. Ill admit i have 2 AF jackets and i love them. But i bought them at a 75% discount after they "fell off the back of a truck" gotta love asian street markets.
  2. In this ad they told me my life is dull and boring as is my wardrobe, their clothing can make my life interesting, its ok to empty my pockets on their overpriced clothing because everyone else shopping there to seek validation does. By saying theres no age limit they aknowledgd that only young people.wear their clothing but theyd like to sell it to older people... Who seek validation through material things. casual basis? so.if we wear this clothing somewhere nice we will be exposed as phonies trying to be cool? Your highly durable clothing is half destroyed and sold as a new style. Did orwell call this doublethink.or double speak? Last i checked your garments saturated the market and A and F was losing its cool factor with young kids because everyone had it and it was too expensive. Cheaper stores with clothing that didnt brand its owners were eating your lunch. i would.have written more and quoted parts directly but im typing this on my phone. Someone said a year ago that he would not hire me to be in marketing. Maybe i shouldnt be but i can sure expose marketing speak for what it is. on a final note goverments lie and so do corporations. Their tactics goals and results are one in the same
  3. Change at the beginning of the season when all you can do is suck. I wiped out 4 times my first time out last year. No big deal. I borrowed am S1 for a run once in june and i took 3 nasty spills. Ski6jones has some good advice. Take a couple runs on your old ski to get the rust off then change.
  4. At first i really was serious about running the course and progressing correctly. Ive tried going down to30 and 32 to practice running the course at 15 off when i free skied at 34 and 22 off. I thought id go slow amd climb my way up but one day after some really good free skiing i said eff it, failure be damned. I told my driver 22 off at 34 on the course. He looked at me funny knowing how much i could barely run the course at 30 mph and horribly at 32mph at 15 off. But he did what i said. Five minutes later im feeling a rush of victory and pure win having ran 22off at 34mph TWICE! so i just didnt start the course thinking 30-32 was for girls. I was honestly trying to do things as you guys would have told me to do it. At the end of the day your guys advice is advice as is mine. I weighed my options and abilities and went for it and succeeded. Btw you guys were right about outboard vs inboard. Also the times ive dropped the boat speed down to run the course has really screwed up my timing at 34mph leading to frustration and lack of fun if i wanted frustration id go play golf. So yes you say my comments are ignorant. Maybe id be a better amd more consistent skier if i progressed properly. My experience tells me whats possible not the way things should be done. i hope this explains things well.
  5. @ral sure thing ral. My current level is being able run 28off at 34mph without going through the gates. On one hand you could say that if i dont do the gates then i cant run the course. I view it the other way. If i can run the course then surely i can do the gates... I just cant get the timing down and im really inconsistent on my initial pull. As good as my boat driver is at coaching he hasnt told me how to do gates along with a couple mental blocks.
  6. I suppose everyone finds the gates easy but me. Your point about a good skier hitting the gates is the same as mine but in reverse. A good skier will go the path of the gates if they are not there. Maybe i need proper teaching. The couple times i tried threading the gates i went way too early and shifted direction two or three time and after i was through id hustle out to ball one and miss or make such a pathetic turn that there was no way id be getting to ball 2.
  7. I dont know much about the quattro. It just appears to be the second tier or sister to the alpha the same way the S2 is to the A2. Ill check out the razors bottom again. gloss finish isnt indicative of performance but id imagine a smoothe gloss finish shoots you through the water faster than a matte finish thus my consumer demand. Can you tell me more about the sans rival production process and how the elite is dated. I understand that its no longer sold, fell out of favor with skiers and didnt light up obriens profits like they hoped it would but what makes it old?
  8. I have seen a sans rival in person but i havent inspected it too closely. The bottom of the ski isnt gloss and thanks for informing me that its not rtm. The razor has a matte finish. I was just at a shop last weekend that sells all the razor skis in the country. If the razor does have a high gloss finish then we have different definitions of what a gloss finish is.
  9. Parody is the highest form of flattery. I like how he had the paper notes of so he knew what to say. The fact that he spend time to take notes make a video and upload it speaks a lot. Thanks Brady. Looks like youve mastered the video editing techniques. Youre a quick learner.
  10. Toddl, you make a strong argument against my suggestions and a great argument for your suggestions. Good reading.
  11. Shane im aware adam is no longer there. He left right after the 33 started production. Mentioning Adam cord and Obrien was a means of thanks for making the Elite. Notice I only mentioned Andy and AM skis (i guess its obly mapple skis now) when i got to my request. Sans Rival and Razor offer RTM skis but they are not gloss finished Fisher Reflex dont have and they that scooped out nose which i thought was really innovative. I want glossy RTM and a scooped out nose amd i trust Andy to make it. I also know they ditched RTM skis. THEREFORE I MADE THE VIDEO asking them to give me what i want so i can give them the money i want to give them. I also brought it back on Andy telling him that he personally sold me on the RTM production prossess and i havent been resold on the compression molding process. If you pay attention to the video closely youll notice a lot of intelligent decisions like my quick pause to explain servicie because you dont know what it is and my decision to stop myself when i said the ski looked like ot was from the future which was a bad idea because i didnt mention that earlier and i didnt want to sound rambling and incoherent. I wish i would have focused more on the scooped nose and said something other than awesome or amazing...but there was no script and having 12 minutes of continuous footage and a pretty good cut was good enough for me. I think i did 20 takes or so for the other video and you can hear it in my voice. For those you enjoyed the video youre welcome i made it for you and the makers of the Elite. For those nitpicking it i believe i already addressed the issues above. Those who just dont like it i can respect that its just not your style.
  12. @Brady comments on the video please.
  13. 그거 누가 썼어요? Translation: Who wrote that?
  14. ToddL I loved your first paragraph because its true. If what you believe is correct then it will hold up to other points of view. I liked your subsequent paragraphs. Somewhere in the middle I got admittedly lost but I get the gist of it. The path to ball 1 needs to be the same as the path to ball 3 to count. I dont think ball 6 to exit are nearly as hard as entrance to 1. Lets not debate that. I agree that one ball would be better than two. My biggest issue is that I have to thread a gate and worry about both left and right. I've stated my financial reasons for doing so and my reasons may be unique to me. Again I suck compared to you guys, or/and its all in my head.
  15. @rodltg2 Jalen Rose commented on the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary Fab 5. He said that his comments about Duke, Christian Laetner and Grant Hill were not how he feel now but rather how he felt when he was a freshman at Michigan, and thus thats what made it a good documentary. The way the Fab 5 spoke was as if they were freshmen throughout the whole documentary, not old men coming to terms. How I spoke throughout that video was how I felt the summer 2011. Its hammed up a little by the usual "classroom theater" I do to keep kids attention but overall its bringing myself back to that summer and how awesome it felt to be riding around everywhere. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to go skiing or tubing after school but I never did it, and that summer I was. I dont snap back into present day until I start addressing Andy Mapple and his company to make an RTM version of their ski. Like I said he really sold me on the RTM process, so now I cant be sold back on a typical compression molded process. What Im really happy about is how smoothely what i said came out. I tried making the gate video two days ago and it was super hard to address the camera and keep my thoughts flowing in a good way. I dont really trip over my words (turn like a dime) and I explain things in good detail to leave the viewe with the correct story. Also, the way I move the camera around and pace it was excellent. I've watched it about 5 times and I really liked how it came out. I didnt know I could do it that good. @MS HAHA. We heard that there might be nuclear war tomorrow or the next day. Everyone here is wondering whats for dinner.
  16. My ski story. Hope you like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpQQIF0iBcM Note: I dont mean to directly insult the skis other companies make. If someone had lent me a D3 or a Goode I'd probably be riding those. What I really meant to do was emphasize how different the ski I chose felt from the other skis on the market and credit the people and design behind the Elite ski and the feelings it gave me and how it led me to continue skiing past summer 2011.
  17. I'll clear the air a little bit. I've only been trying to run the course for the summer. In that time I've never made it through the gates. If you want to use that evidence to discredit what I say then so be it. Those who never miss the gates, good for you. Further, I'll give my personal reasons for not trying pass through the gates later. I'll also specify that Im concerned about the entry gates. The exit gates I've got no qualm with. If you got slack then you need to ski better. Second, any and all changes to the gates will only be for the better, whether they're removed or moved. Marcus' "tennis" idea was a good one to keep things the same, and quell complaints, but then new complaints rise such as world records, and then then whate about if the skier double faults and there's debate whether he/she missed the gates or not. Personally I think you're all to quick to jump on the idea. From what I've noticed the main reasons for keeping the gates the same are: 1. Skiers need a reverence point to go towards the first buoy (great reason) 2. You just want things to stay the same. Since Im so new I've got a fairly good outsider's observation. I dont know what your slalom competitions look like but from what I've read 3 judges and cameras for replay are silly, even if the replay adds another 30 seconds. Its too many eyes and too much maintenance to be watching one guy go through two balls, its not simple, its not elegant, its big and bureaucratic. There has to be a simpler way. My next observation is that just looking at the course and the path of the skier, the entry gates don't seem to fit. The shorter the rope the greater the angle of the skier and thus the tighter the space of the gates and less margin for error, and as that space narrows those buoys by comparison get bigger and hitting a buoy wreck your run at best and cripples you at worst. Nick Parsons told me they were ankle breakers, though I've never hit a buoy like him or many of you I'll take your work for it, so why have two more out there at the entry gates...which brings me to my next point. We count buoys, not gates. We care about buoys, we chase buoys, we design skis about getting more buoys and we assume the gates are passed through, but when it comes to competition the gate really matters. We dont say "DUDE I GOT 4 AT 35OFF AND THE GATES!" No, we assume the gates are passed and we care about the buoys. If we dont count the gates in our scores then why do we count them when we miss them? The buoys are all about technique before, at and after them 6 times over, but the entry gates are just a thin window that needs to be timed right. If you miss the gates whatever you do after doesnt count. Again, why do we count the gates when we miss but not when we pass them? The best analogy I have is asking a batter in baseball to throw a ball up and hit it before stepping into the batters box. Sure the batter may hit it most of the time but hitting a dropping ball does not compare to a pitched ball coming at the batter. Can you imagine any game or inning (playoff or regular season, or spring training with some guy trying to make the team) wehre the batter whiffed on a dropped ball and was called out? Two big observation I've made on the water. 1. To the buoys credit they seem to be in the most ideal path to the first ball. If you thread the gates you're pretty darn set, so I guess thats a reason to keep the gates, but for anyone who's missed the gates did you really say "oh nuts I missed the gates there's no way I can do the buoys!" You at least want to proof that you cant go around a few buoys. 2. Whether its free skiing or course skiing, you need a good solid pull to get out wide and to get to buoy 1 with some good preturn. Nothing is going to change that. With an improper pull you're either too late, have too much slack, too early or not fast enough to maintain a good preturn lean. There is no going around buoy 1 and nicely on your way to 2 without a solid pull to begin with. Thus the pull the other buoys require by defacto fulfills the need of the gates, so why have the gates? Ok. I think I've made my point. It was gel'ing a lot better in my head two days ago and it came out stickier today. SO, my solution, and some of you have already made it, kudos to you. Move the right gate back 3 ft and the left gate up 3ft. That way the line between the gates is more perpendicular to the path of the skier. The margin for error is wider, judges can see more clearly, the gates are more assumed to be passed, and skiers make the gates much more consistently thus fewer, if any skiers miss the gates unless its a cataclysmic failure, so more focus is put on the buoys where it belongs. Most importantly, veteran skiers still have a pretty good reference point for approaching the first buoy. Me personally: Skiing is expensive. It costs be $25 a set, (4 passes or 2 kilometers of free skiing) I spend 20pct of my total income doing it and about 50% of my leftover income on it (after bills and feeding myself.) I sacrifice a lot of money doing this, and for me to miss a gate or hit the gates instantly burns off $7-8. If I miss a buoy and fall, fine, because I care about them, but if I miss a gate or hit it and fall over because of it I get angry. Last year I made an honest (if comical) efford to run the gates. I slowed the boat way down and tried to get it. I did 8 passes and blew $50 doing it and I sucked. I couldnt get it once. I was so angry about the time and money I wasted that for the first time I questioned whether all the money I was spending was worth it. I wanted to quit. Yep, you bet. Sure, some of you have your own boat and are only limited by time and gas, but I have financial restrictions. I also cant go out and practice the gates more than 4 times before going back to the dock and waiting in line. I already pushed the limits of what I spend to have fun, but I refuse to throw it away. Sure the simple answer is just to learn the gates and be done with it, but as I stated above the gates really arent needed and really dont fit into the course. Changing the gates probably wont draw more people into the sport, but it will make it slighly more accessible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk57MENHU8s I made this video two days ago. I wasnt saying things super smoothely. I made another verson tonight but it came off as cocky and I missed some key points and this one comes off as more sincere.
  18. There you go guy. Judging by the length, detail and confidence of the post its a good deal. You can tell a lot about the real condition of a product just by analyzing the description and seeing what you can learn about the sellers personality.
  19. So youre using someone elses behavior in a different place as an excuse for your behavior?
  20. Fo sho jdarwin. I bought a pair of large gloves because i could spread my fingers better and they seemed to fit better. Sure enougj they stretched and got too loose. I could have had 3-4 layers of liners in them to work. Worse yet the top strap far exceeded the velcro. When i got mediums they felt restrictingly tight whenever i wasnt skiing but i never noticed it skiing. Further the medium gloves gripped so much better put way less stress on my fingers reduced blisters and gave me a much more consistent grip.
  21. I bought a pair of radar vice gloves as a first pair of gloves amd after using a regular pair one time in the middle of the season theres no comparison. They relieve so much stress from your hands allowing you to pull way harder instead of bottlenecking all that pressure on your hands. Anyone who is worried about being stuck on the handle is kidding themselves. Anyone worried about coordination grabbing the handle has a valid worry that can be fixed bt rapid handle grabs pulls releases and pulls with your eyes closed on dryland.
  22. Oh i just read your post more thoroghly. ... Im at work now and shouldnt be doing this. I started one handed turns last summer too. It wasnt nearly as hard as i thought. The key was a lot of visualisation in the off season and doing it right away in the first ride of the season. It wont take you a couple seasons to get good. You can get good in one year. I went from two hands to 28 off in less than a summer. Had i been behind an inboard the whole time im sure i could have done 32 off. depending on your tastes youll either get hooked on the course or find it a useful barometer and tool to forcibly correct your skiing. Im more towards the latter. Check out ski-it-again.com all the good stuff is there. Since youre fresh out of hs you should have some cash laying around. Let me know how it goes. Im personally curious to your situation as i was likely in your shoes last year.
  23. Your a big strong kid. Go big right away. Find a used high end ski. Youll grow into it. Dont get anything lower than a Radar vice or senate c otherwise get a flagship ski thats 2-3 years old and hopefully by the time you get access to the good stuff...if you ever do youll be ready for a new ski. Bump up the speed to 34 anything less is for girls. Do you have gloves? do you ski with one hand releasing? its ok to admit you dont. Two years ago all i wanted to do was rip it up and make a big spray then i decided to get deeper. Got a new ski ran the course and had just as much fun. Unfortunately my salary prevents me from investing anymore than i do. buy a used highend ski and some gloves. Dont be afraid to shorten to 22off. Its a lot more fun than 15off or more.
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