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Posts posted by OldGuysRule

  1. My problem was the screen would go off and on without touching it and was diagnosed as "false touch." My greatest help came form Eric Carmen - ecarmen@enovationcontrols.com in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As soon as he told my dealer the problem the touch screen was replaced within a week. It was covered by warranty thank goodness otherwise the bill was $4,400 parts/labor.
  2. Finally! I contacted Eric Carmen at Enovation Controls in Tulsa, Oklahoma about my touch screen issues. He gave on opinion diagnosing my problem as "false touches" causing the screen to go off and on while driving down the lake. My local Mastercraft dealer in turn contacted the factory with this opinion and a new screen was ordered and installed within the week. Mucho thanks to Eric Carmen! (Good thing it was under warranty as the cost for labor and materials was $4,400!!! ) My baby is now home ready to launch and put to test tomorrow.zxoukxecdifs.jpg


  3. We have dyed our Brewski Lake in Indianapolis for the past few years. We have extremely clear water which promotes weed growth. We also spread some copper sulfate last year around the edges to inhibit algae growth. Didn't affect the fish population. Several other lakes in our area dye their lakes with no negative results. First time I've heard of skiing issues with dye.90xpf5mq1yyk.jpg


  4. The Indianapolis Boat, Sport, and Travel show is one of the largest in the mid-west. It runs for 10 days. Pinecrest Marine had a PS and offered us room for posters and table for Indiana Water Ski Association materials. I couldn't believe the $100,000+ pontoons! I come from the day when you slapped 55 gallon oil drums together under a plywood deck and 10 hp motor and had a pontoon!g736461z22lm.jpg


  5. Hey Spring Breakers and Florida Skiers. Eden Lake near Ft. Myers is holding their very first tournament on March 31st, 2018. It's first class reputation has been spreading and it has become a destination for both area water skiers and visiting vacationers. Prissy Edwards and Authur Havas have been preparing the site for this first ever event for both skiers and spectators. They are hoping for some big names to comez0q7p82ko4bx.jpg

    participate in the "R" division. Other skiers may ski in "C" class or grassroots even! Start the season early. Give Prissy a call at 765-610-7552 with any questions.

  6. 8wulmqzamqs9.pdf

    A little farther away from Zionsville Southeast of Indianapolis is Ski Klub of Indianapolis located in Shelbyville and Fairland Ski Club located in Fairland. They are both user friendly, very affordable, and looking for new members. Contact Dan Federspill at 317-431-9778. Don't forget the "free" IWSA Spring Fling on June 2nd and some Monday Night Ski Leagues coming this summer.

  7. Stay tuned to Eden Ski Lake.....there's more to come. Besides being a world class site with first class people, they will be doing their first tournament on March 31st, 2018. It's on the USA Water Ski website and will be in the Regional Guide South. The owner along with Arthur and Prissy are putting together some additional surprises for this event.0ztc652uc3sb.jpg


  8. This issue has not been solved. I checked with the dealer (whom I have a good relationship with) and they are now waiting until spring thaw to put the boat in the water and test themselves. (They have several videos that I provided) They say they can't find/don't know who to contact for the issue. Anyone out there know of a Zero Off guru in the Midwest area?
  9. I'm with oldmanskier! I'm a little lighter but am a "mature aged skier!" When I "graduated" to 30 mph speed for tournaments, I thought to myself why am I skiing on a 34/36 mph ski?! Purchased a used Goode Wide Ride right foot forward even though I'm left foot forward and skied my personal best at the 2017 Nationals. I had the same concerns about the Wide Ride breaking down so I watched Ski It Again and purchased a "back up" ski just in case.
  10. I took my 2015 Mastercraft Prostar out on open water today to pull friends free skiing and air chairing. After a while the ZO screen started going off and on at will. The timer window also started popping up on the screen. The screen was very warm to the touch and trying to switch speeds or switch to trick mode also didn't work. I finally outsmarted the unit by increasing the slalom speed up to 36 so I could continue pulling kids at speeds lower than 36 so it wouldn't engage. The On/Off button kept going off and on. Later in evening I went back down to dock and started the boat and it seemed to be OK. Boat has 160 hours on it. Any ideas out there....HELP!?
  11. Here's one for the books! I have a ski acquaintance by the name of Kevin Smith. He has been skiing on a Goode 9500 for years. He bought it new when the 9500's came out years ago. He skis at least one set everyday in the summer months at his home site on Champion Lake/McCordsville, In. Over the years the ski needed some repairs and he just took some Bondo and other remedies to repair and painted its name "ouchie" on the side of the ski. Ski mates and myself have kidded him over the years about skiing on the oldest ski at a tournament. He finally showed up at a tournament yesterday and skied on his new D3 ski into 38' off. Incidentally, he has a son who skis in tournaments around the world by the name of Nate Smith.w01748061j1x.jpg


  12. Had the two fiberglass down pipes right after the manifolds break down on a 2003 Nautique....it was like they were rotten....pin holes all over letting exhaust and bubbles permeate when engine was running. Easy replacement.
  13. Here in central Indiana we have also been competing for smooth wind-free water. Our first tournament of the year at Champion Lake on June 24th was wind free for the first round then came the 25 mph west wind down the lake. Nate Smith ran a predictable 1.5 @ 43' off and some other skiers managed their "PB's" on smooth first round section of the event. On July 1st at Hawthorn Lake, the wind gods raised their ugly heads before the first round of skiers was done. The youngsters and the grassroots skiers got the best water conditions! Those of us who skied late in the first round are considering asking the tournament organizers to let us "experienced" skiers ski at the beginning of the round for possible smooth water at future events!
  14. Indiana has no snow cover with recent temperatures in the 60's! Last Saturday saw several of us ski and the forecast for this coming weekend could be near 79 degrees which means we will be putting the boat back in again for brave souls. Water temperature is 40 degrees which limits us to dry suits. Local snow ski resorts having worst year ever!
  15. Indiana has no snow cover with recent temperatures in the 60's! Last Saturday saw several of us ski and the forecast for this coming weekend could be near 79 degrees which means we will be putting the boat back in again for brave souls. Water temperature is 40 degrees which limits us to dry suits. Local snow ski resorts having worst year ever!
  16. My five partners and I who own our own ski lake and club boat are talking/discussing about inviting some additional skiers to use our facility. There's lots of down time when the lake is not in use and we think we have room for some more skiers. They would need to supply their own boat and could store it on site in enclosed storage on site when not in use. What do other ski clubs charge for similar arrangements? We are located in the Mid West so we ski from April to November.
  17. A little "baller" history




    The Indiana Water Ski Association (IWSA) recently honored skier Prissy Edwards inducting her into the IWSA Hall of Fame. Prissy tells us that the Ski Ballers started somewhere in the mid-50’s as the Wiedeman Ski Ballers, then around 1960 changed to the Coney Island Ballers of Cincinnati, Ohio. They got a contract to perform 2 ski shows every Sunday on a small lake in the amusement park. Prissy got an invitation to ski with them in 1961 and that is where the red jacket pictured came from.

    There were 2 teams, 1 for tournaments and 1 for shows of which Prissy skied for both. The Ballers won the Ohio Team Titles for many years. The club dissolved in 1965 when Coney Island closed to become King’s Island at a different location. Prissy is a current 3 event skier having skied in numerous Indiana and Ohio tournaments and the Nationals this past summer.




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