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Everything posted by slalomkenny

  1. @mylemsky chris_logan is right that I had an injury while using them, but I think I would have gotten injured in almost anything on the fall. I had a really large torque on my knee and just didnt release soon enough. Anyway, the other reason is that they are badly designed for the release method. On a set of Fogmans, the base plate is made of a rigid alum or G10 plate. The Quattro's have a flexible plastic plate. With a release pin configuration like this, the tighter you set the release, the harder it should be to release right? Well, that is so if you have a rigid plate. If you have a flexible plate, the greater tension you set on the pin makes the plate want to buckle off of the ski more and thus requires more interloc. It's just a huge mess to get the balance right so that it releases properly. If you don't machine your own plate for it, I would not go with that set up.
  2. I went from FM Double Quattro and now have a Reflex and R style. I was in the same position as you and didnt know if I would like the R style. So instead of buying one, I just went down to Play It Again Sports and bought an old set of roller blades, pulled up a photo of the R style, and cut down and moved rivets to directly match it. That way, I got one for me to try at low expense and another shell if a RFF friend wants one. I have loved the switch and it honestly was way easier of a conversion than expected. So long as you don't use the metal buckles, I crank those 2 buckles down as hard as my foot can stand.
  3. @MattP You never told me that was your reason for using that rope. If you had I'd have made fun of you even more about it.
  4. I kind of agree that winding ropes isn't that big of an issue that needs solving or removing the manual element of. If you are open to any other ideas, I am a mechanical engineer myself and I have thought in the past that a really cool idea to work on woud be the development of a safe and reliable failsafe release mechanism. The point of this device would be that in a world where tricking is seemingly becoming less and less prevalent, you can practice toes as a beginner or advanced skier that does not have a reliable pinner and you want to ensure that if you are pinned too late on an edge catch etc that you will be released. I say this as someone who witnessed someone get dragged this summer because an inexperienced pinner unknowingly slide the rope on the wrong side of the knot.
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