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A lot of guys get stuck at 98 bouys (2@38)


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I had the idea that after getting an average of 100 that 104 would be the next goal (and the end of my skiing). 100 = 4 @ 38 and 104 is 2 @ 39. I feel like I am on the verge of getting 38 and do not expect to ever see 3 at 39. The below chart is the top 200 from the  2007 ZBS averages for men 3. A hell of a lot of guys stuck at 2 @ 38.

Men 3

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  • Baller
Count me in the 98 group.  That's been my tournament PB for 4 years running.  Most of that group rarely get a shot at 38 in tournaments and when they do, they tend to overski the gates which results in a fast #1 and a bad #2.  Been there - done that.
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I was at 2-3@38 since 2002 nats. I could ski 2@38 on a KDCR7 and every ski after that. What I found out is that you need to attack the 38off line at least 3-4 times every set. I always used to run down to 38, fall at 2 ball and then go back to 35 and run back to backs. 35 and 38 are 3 feet apart and it is a whole new game. Dial in 35 but make sure to get a bunch of shots at 38 in on every set. It takes repitition to get set at 38 just like any other line length. My ball count has went up ever since I started that in practice.

I agree with JD, most will overshoot 1 and pull long to 2 ball.    

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  • Baller

Even if i don´t make my hardest pass I sometimes shorten the rope anyway. I think it has helped me a lot to get to the next level. And when I get back to my hardest pass it seems to be much easier.


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