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Schnitz slotfin-speedfins


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I ski on a Monza and I'm working on running 28-off cleaner (with a personal best of 2.5@32/34)

I worked with the stock fin until I arrived at solid workable numbers and it worked fine.

I switched to a 106 Redim and really liked that because after about 4 sets I realized that it virtually eliminated that occasional "hockey stop" off-side turn that I was trying to get rid of. It really smoothed out the pass and allowed me to progress.

About a month ago I installed one of Steve's slotfins with the fixed 9 degree wing. I had been running 7 degrees until then so that was really the only feel difference I noted right away. After a month with it on the ski I have to say I appreciate it's simplicity. The wing is permanently out of the way for checking or changing depth, it's fast and it decelerates well, but most of all I think it's the improvement in this ski's symmetry that has caused me to leave it in.

Ok, that's all the 1st hand experience I have. We have 2 members of our club that are riding Nomads with the slotfin and neither one of them has any plans to switch back. One is the white 2006 and the other is a 2007 RC. They ski into -38 and -35 respectively and rave about the slotfin on that design.

The 106 Redim still holds my PB so I'm planning to go back before the season is out just to make sure I've got the right combination. 

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Had a slot fin on my 03 D3 and liked it over the stock fin. This year i started my season of with a 06 D3 X5 none stock fin. Had lots of in the boat coaching but just never felt good on my of side. I was strugling to run 28 off but than my technique needs a lot of work. I did a lot of tweeking but just but just kept  runing 2 to 3 at 28 off. In mid july  i pulled the fin box out of my old ski just to see what the slot fin would do on the 06 ski.

That morning my 1st set was on the other fin and i skied my usual. Back at the dock i swiched out fin boxs and went back out with the slot fin. with the fin change i started of at 15 off and went throught 28 off. thinking maybe it was flook i ran 28 agian, at the in of my set i ran 4 28's offs back to back.

Hers the problem that was mid july and due to work changes it was my last trip to the lake for the season. I dont know if the slot fin some how made up for my technique problems or what.

All i can say is the ski worked for me better that set that day. Maybe it is because i weigth around 140lbs. and the 06 D3 is to stiff and just wont finish the turn on my off side. Maybe by using the slot fin it let the tail slide around a bit more on my off side leting me gain angle? 

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I have tried both, CBR and the slot fin. Currently I am using the mini wing on the CBR as I felt the mini wing was the major part of the slot fin's difference. So far, in very cold water, i feel comfortable and it will likely stay thru next spring. 32's are smoother, and getting a littel better starts at 35. I am on a new X5.
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  • Baller_

Anybody compare the slot fin to the old HO Pac Man fin or the FM similar style fin.  That would be an interesting comparison. 

Any thoughts on why the slot fin works?  The slot certainly creates a water bleed to allow short radius turns with length and also allows added depth for stability and holding power.  Any thoughts?

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The old Pac Man fin worked because it flexed. Heard that somewhere before? For today’s skis the old Pac Man flexes way too much.  

To me the slot fin makes a ski feel longer. When you are in good shape the slot really casts you out on an extra wide smooth arc. The down side is if you are a “ball of spray” like me the slot fin keeps the ski from snapping around when you are under duress.  In other words, I like it on my easy passes and when I am early but hate it when I am in trouble.


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  • Baller_
I was thinking more of the hydrodynamics effects of the shape and pressure bleed effects of the shape, slots and holes in the fin.  IMO, there are two effects, that and the flex effect.  I smell a student test project! 
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  • Baller

Ok, tried the slotfin and mini wing today. I felt the offside turns were improved as the ski seemed to finish better. However the ski felt slower and all of the passes were hard work and I was running them all late. SS suggests that the fin is set  to certain numbers and left. I was wondering if anyone had tried different numbers, especially for depth. Otherwise, its back to the 106!


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  • Baller
Being that it's the end of the year I decided to play around with some different stuff.  I put a schnitz slot fin on my 67 RS1. I definitely feel the increased tip pressure on my off side.  And one thing I noticed was that I can pull out later and match speed with the boat easier before turning in.  I'm way wide and early on both sides of the course and the ski drops in at the end of the turn vroom, it's off again.
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I skied for about half a season with the speed slotfin, and then switched to the 106 ReDim, with a stock HO wing on my Monza.  Didn't break through -35' this summer, but I had the best and most consistent -32's with the Horton special.  The slotfin worked... but I just never got the smooth finish or the angle off the turn that I got with the ReDim.


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  • Baller
That damn JTH shut down CF about the time I was ready to try some things.  :) But the slotfin completely changed the RS1 for me.  Where before I never felt that I could get the right body position and tip pressure on my toe side/offside with the stock fin, now I can feel the ski in the water as I release it and let it arc back towards the ball in the preturn. Plus, the RS1 was almost too aggressive on my onside before and it's really tamed that.
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