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Ski Size - Help!


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  • Baller
I'm submiting this because of the in depth, quality comments/explanations I've read on this forum from knowlegeable skiers of proven ability. I'm 62, 6'-2", 200#, ski in MI, 32 mph @ -15 (w/PP). For 3 years I'd been riding a 2003 68" CR7. While in FL, Oct. '06, I tried a new 67 1/2" D3X5. Ran 3 sets with it, felt good so I bought it. It felt quicker than the CR, felt it would help me. During this past season I experienced no apparent gain, maybe lost a little. Had big dreams of running 34 mph into -22. This past Oct. 8th I had a brainfart, put my boots back on the CR, ran one set and improved slightly! At a fast 32 mph I immediately noticed better angle out of both sides and smoother, easier complete passes. It felt easy to ski correctly. Questions: (1) Is the 67 1/2" X5 too small for my weight, boat speed, line length? (2) If it's too small, what deficiencies might I (should I) have noticed/felt/experienced? (3) Might I have a better opportunity to experience improvement on a 68 1/2" X5 ? I'd gladly sell the 67 and buy a 68 if my chance of success could improve. Any thought provoking comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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Hard to answer. I really think the X5 is 100 times the ski as the CR7 but that is assuming that he x5 was not ridden to death before you got it and assuming the the CR7 is as stiff as most of them were.

I am 190 and ride a 68 or 67 at shortline 34 mph. If you are thinking about a new ski call up D3 and do the Demo program. They sell you the ski for a few weeks and if you do not like it they will just take it back. The new RC is freak'n awesome!

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As good as the D3 is at supporting weight I don't think a 67" is the right size for 200lbs and 32mph. Today's skis are so light that there is really no penalty for being on a size longer than the manufacturer's chart. The longer ski will actually accelerate better off the ball and carry out better after the 2nd wake. These are 2 things that all of us can benefit from. If you're up for the demo that John was talking about ask for a 68.5" or even a 69.5" if you want to try the Custom X.
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