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Biggest Story of 07


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Did we have any big stories in 07? I have an idea what the biggest story of the year is but  . . .  you guys first.
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  • Baller_

I would say the JB record is pretty big because it points out a big flaw in the process of running a tournament.  The requirements to validate a run are prone to human error and it happened twice with the ultimate record in recent years. 

That needs to change so that records are approved, not disallowed due to lack of video, boat path or things outside the skiers control.  You don't see too many timing errors in track and field or car racing, judging out of bounds on a football, tennis, baseball game is done routinely so there should be ways of validating a ski run pretty routine.

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  • Baller

in no real order:

Jamie WR issue

shakeup at HO - LaPoint and the tower is now gone, therefore in comes Badal. The first 34 skier on a "pro factory team".

 Zero Off given the green light to pull


my predicted stories of 08

New HO and Connelly skis

star gazer

the world record will be broken and stand 

changes to the jump course to lower speed swing tolerance of the boat 

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The new HO ski in March but that is 08.

I think that ZO and Start gazer are news but not sure if it is advancing or stepping back until I get a bunch of sets behind it.

JB getting the raw deal

Horton hitting 38 and taking it down. Have you quit counting yet?   

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No still at 9. Last one was in practice at the Dawg. /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-frown.gif
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  • Baller
The APPROVAL (not just introduction) of ZO GPS based speed control is #1 in my book.  It will have lasting impact far beyond 2007 and will impact every skier in every tournament.  JB's world record fiasco while significant, does not impact the local skier and most skiers were unaware it occured.  ZO and PP's StarGazer will influence performances of every skier going forward. 
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The biggest story of the year has not yet broken . . . . I am waiting for the press release to make it official. If you know what I have under my hat . .Shhhhhhhh. Lets wait until the people involved make an official statement. You will notice that I started this thread in the Members Only section. I know this kills some of you guys and it cracks me up.


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  • Baller

The whole Zo Vs Stargazer deal. PP seemed quiet at first, but I think Stargazer may head off the Zo challenge.The fact that it can be fitted to pre-07 boats will open up the biggest market to them. Cant wait for my upgrade.My buddy has stargazer in his 08 MC and so far its awesome.

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Ok Brent,

I was hoping for a press release from O’Brien but yes that is the news. Andy has in fact given notice at Radar and returned to O’Brien. That is the big story of the year.

If  I get the press release I will post it in the non - Members Only section of the forum.


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You may be right about the JB story.

As for the Get out of free card . . . No. If you read 1/2 up the page you will see that I asked for those who know to keep it quiet. Does not matter. I do not think that much of the skiing world will figure it our for a while.  I freak'n hope O'Brien makes hay.

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  • Baller_
What's more interesting, driver musical chairs in F1 or skier's jumping brands, Stepneygate or Dr. Jim, Williams fuel temperature or Big Dawg rope length?  Jayski devotes a whole webiste on Nascar rumors and gossip!
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  • Baller
John:  Andy Mapple leaves Radar to return to O'Brien?  That's your BIG story of 07?  Again, most skiers (rec and otherwise) won't be impacted by this decision.  Great for Andy and O'Brien but really, what's the meaning to most of us?  The PP/ZO rise will impact ALL of us no matter the brand of ski we choose to ride.  In your little world the AM move may be significant but out here in the yellow sun, it's minor.
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Yea, Maybe my list is a little different. I guess the Andy story is big on my list because it was a secret and totally unexpected. In terms of ski design it is a big deal. Any time a top designer moves around it sets the ball rolling for new skis. When we transplant Andy or someone like him from one factory to another, it means more innovation. The bar keeps getting pushed higher.  On average I think the top of the line skis are unquestionably better then they were 5 years ago. The first Sixam was the first really fast ski besides the Goode. Now all the skis are pretty darn fast. I know of at least 4 brand new, fresh sheet of paper skis that are being worked on right now. That is pretty exciting to me. If things go well 2009 will be awash with new sticks. (We will see if there is anything interesting on 08 . . . ) 
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  • Baller

Are O'Brien, Radar and HO owned by the same entity?  And Connelly too? How much of a real move is this? Or is the really big news the consolidation of a bunch of ski companies with Andy (or someone else) as the chief designer?

Of course they are all trying to clone my ski...


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No. Herb O'Brien owns Radar and is not part of the group that owns HO, O'Brien and Connelly. What is interesting is that, the companies that are in this group (owned by Bob Archer) do not share R&D, staff or technology. So even if Andy had only made a move inside the Archer Empire, the effect would be nearly as big.

I think they would copy the LeeSki if they could figure out how to reverse engineer it. (Alien Technology?)
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