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  • Baller

 It,s time to put  the old ski to rest she did her job well (GOODE 92 LTD) looking for a new ski I'm going to go thru H20smosis test program. The skis  I'm looking at are MPD, Monza and the RCX which ski would you try first  coming off a goode also is my goode faster or slow than the than these skis.( 36mph  28 -380) old school working on new school

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  • Baller
I have a 2007 MPD and a 2008 Monza and like them both. They feel much different than the Goode's I've owned, 9500 & 9700.  The Fischer is very close to a Goode, IMO. Only rode the RCX twice and can not give much of an opinion, but it didn't feel anything like a Goode or Fish. Definitely ride everything you can but if you like the Goode ride, get the 9800 or the Fish. 34mph PB 5@28 on a Monza.
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  • Baller


 I thought about the Fisher but as I understand from Schnitz its just a better made Goode 9200. I'm not getting rid of my Goode it will still be in the boat, because when I'm on I don't think there is a better ski. I really just want something different .I've been riding this ski since 1999. I use to buy a new ski every year till I got this ski. I've probably spent over $3000.00 on drivers and putters in this span. So realistically Goode has saved me alot of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Baller_

I felt the characteristics of the Fisher were very similar to the Goode.  Since I like the characteristics of the Goode, it makes sense that I like the Fisher.  I would ski the Monza prior to buying, it did not work for me.  The RCX feels like a more stable Goode, real smooth and consistent, but a touch slower (I liked both the RCX and X5). 

I don't golf, but I have spent some $ on sled pistons!

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The whole Fisher = getter Goode thing is sort of silly to me. Even if the shape is identical no two skis from different factories are the same.  Flex, rocker, flat spot . . . .Similar? Yes, but give Fisher credit for their own identity. Besides that the 9800 and the 9800 SL are darn impressive.   

 Same ski since 99? No one has worked out how to really test ski breakdown but I can tell you that there is no way I will ever ride a ski for more then two seasons again. I guess that if you keep trying other skis and your old ride feels best . . . .
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  • Baller

First off, I'd take anything Schnitz says about Fischer (amongst other subjects...) with a large dose of salt and a couple of shots of tequila to boot.  He's made it abundantly clear that he has an ax to grind with them, I question his objectivity.  Secondly, a lot of claims get made about certain skis being ripoffs of some other ski blah, blah, blah, we've all heard them.  Such statements are easily made but where is the evidence to prove such claims are more than just someones (biased) opinion?  When claims get that specific I tend to want to see some evidence before buying in.

As ski developement progresses I think it's reasonable to assume that in many ways the top skis are going to become more similar in many aspects of their performance.  My experience at the ski tests would certainly indicate that to me anyway.  The ultimate goal of any top line ski I would assume would be to do everything well for the majority of the folks who may potentially ride it, and I think in many ways that's getting to be the case.  The Fish may well be similar in many characteristics to the Goode, I've never ridden a Goode (it's the velcro thing...).  I thought it also had some similarities to the Monza I used to ride, as well as the MPD I currently ride.  Certainly not the same but similar in many of it's characteristics. 

With high end slalom skis it seems that the more things change the more they're becoming the same.


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  • Baller
To further the discussion of Fisher = Goode 9200, the original Goodes were designed off the Connelly HP.  But I would doubt anyone could compare the performance of the 9100 vs the HP.  That being said, if you are coming off a Goode, either go with the 9800SL or try the D3 Nomad RCX first.  Of all the skis I've been on in the last 3 years, the Nomad fit my style the best.  I've been on Goodes for 10 years and haven't found anything that compares to the 9800SL.  It is in a class by itself IMHO.
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