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Need advice for a new ski


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  • Baller

I am a 24 year old male that is 6' tall and weigh around175.  I'm just got out of the army and am getting back into skiing and was wondering about what ski i should upgrade to.  My ski from before the army was a 66" connelly course with double high wrap bindings.  I got this ski when I was 16 so needless to say  I have gotten a bit bigger since then.  I am currently at 28 off at 32 mph and getting better by the run! If you decide to help with some advice please keep the terms simple as I am not really in tune with all the terminology of the sport yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Colin Buchanan

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First of all, I want to say thank you for your service to the country.

Read though this and then let us know what you think. http://waterskitests.com/IST08/default.htm

Are you looking for a new ski or used?


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  • Baller
I have looked at those ski test but truth be told i'm not sure if those skis are out of my league as far as ability goes. Also I have yet to find a review of the connelly F1x which is a ski that i have ridden once and felt VERY comfortable on. I would like to know if any one else has opinions on this ski and others that would be good for my level of skiing. Thats for the help!
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  • Baller
Doesn't really matter new or used. I should also mention that I am mostly free skiing with the opportunity to ski a course about once a week. Thank you for saying that Horton that means quite a bit these days.
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I told Radar that I have a vet who needs a ski. I can get you a killer deal on a blank Senate if you want it. (I need picture of you in uniform for the price I have in mind).

You will need to get a back binding from H2oz that fits Radar/HO. I think your Connelly front binding will fit but you need to make sure.

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Draft rear will not work. Wrong hole pattern. Draft front will work fine.

Don't thank me. Thank Eddie Roberts at Radar.

Email me direct and I will set it up. Horton@ballofspray.com


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  • Baller

Just order a Draft X plate from H2Osmosis.com.

 It will replace the plate on your rear binding and fit the Radar hole pattern.

 Enjoy the ski.

Thank for you service.

Thanks to John and Eddie for rewarding this young man for his service to our country.




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  • Baller

First off big thanks of course to Mr. Horton and also Mr. Roberts. Horton if you could get me his e-mail so that I cn thank him I would greatly appreciate it.  Malibuowner and 2gofaster thanks for the tips and all of your support not only from me but for my fellow service members.  It means more than people know that there are still people out there who support what we do.  Mr. horton I look forward to hearing from you and posting more on this site about the progress. Thanks all!


Colin Buchanan  

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If call me "Mr. Horton" one more time the deal is off. I am afraid there are a lot of readers here that would agree the "MR." is something that I should not be called. The Professor, the Great One, His Holiness, the Master Chick Magnet, shit head or THE Original BallOfSpray are all acceptable but Mr. Horton is just not very waterski or BallOfSpray like.





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  • Baller_

Colin, welcome back and thanks for your service! You are on your way to developing a waterski addiction like the rest of us. Eddie Roberts is a class act one of the best customer service reps in the business.

Hey Mr. Horton, er, uh, I mean shit head. Now that sounds MUCH better!

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller


This is your friend Lynn from Lake Lure.  Congrats on completing your service and for getting back into skiing.  I know you probably can ski to your heart's content on your lake; I ski pretty much every day and if you want to make the drive out here, we would love to see you and pull you til your arms fall off.  We have a submersible course on the lake and ski early mornings.

I have an F1x, but it's  65 so I think it's too small for you.

Also, I go ski with Seth Stisher in Charleston  several times a year; it's a great place to demo skis.  From what I understand, the Radar Senate is awesome and will probably be my next ski.  So take Horton up on that deal if you can and/or go ski with Seth.  He will definitely take your skiing to the next level.

If you get a chance, give me a call.  Your mom has my number.  Lynn Carnes (Pitts)

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  • Baller

Wow hey Lynn great to hear from you.  I'm just getting back to working again but as soon as I get a free weekend I would love to head up there.  Thanks for hitting me up and I look forward to skiing with you soon.


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  • Baller


 Cool...just get yourself here and we will take care of food, lodging and all the skiing you can handle (assuming we get rain; our lake is dropping fast).  Our guest house has 3 bedrooms, so bring a ski buddy or two if you want.  Talk to you soon!  Lynn

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  • Baller_


First, good luck with your ski purchase, as you probably have picked up, there is some great advice and helpful experts on this site, thanks to John.

Second, I also want to thank you for your service to this country.  I had the interesting experience of being informed the day we were about to start the 2008 Dakar Rally that it had been cancelled due to terrorism.  There had been some attacks on French tourists and military personell in Mauritania, one of the country's we were to pass through on the rally and there was a pretty strong threat to the rally on one of the websites.  Thanks to your service we have the possibility of returning the world to a more peaceful place.

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I think I just found my Halloween Costume.  Chick Magnet for the win!

(My employer takes Halloween extremely seriously -- some folks spend $100's on their costume.  But Ridiculously Bad Pun costumes are always a good choice when surrounded by computer geeks.)

Collin, I add my thanks.  Every day I am happy that real men like you allow wusses like me to goof off at home!

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