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O’Brien Elite Review


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I am starting to review the O’Brien Elite as of today.

I plan to finish the review with a table like I did for the Connelly Prophecy as well as comments here.  

As always these are my observations only and not a definitive ski test.

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3 real rides on the Elite so far plus 3 tournament rides. I have no idea what the review will say or what the table will look like. I suspect the in the end the review will be very positive.  I know better then to say too much now.

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I will tell you what is wrong with it right now. When your friends get one they are going to kick you butt up and down the lake.

(This post is not part of the review and I may bill O'Brien for it :-)

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I am not any where near ready to talk about how this ski works but if you are looking for 90 degree turns and wicked fast wake crossings, you may want to pay attention.

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  • Baller

Watching from the boat and comparing the ski to the other top skiers, John that ski works very well for you. It looks smooth and stable. And the turns were really tight. Great skiing.

Don't take that paint off the bottom.


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Your ski review table is a great idea and I am looking forward to how the skis rate, maybe rate is not the right word, perform would be better. Here's my question I know your opener is at 28 off and you end your sets in the 38. With that I would assume a lot of your feed back and reviews on the skis are based on the shorter side of the rope lengths. I have here’d that some skis don’t really even come alive until 32, 35 off. With that thought in mind should your reviews also include how the skis perform at the longer line lengths. Remember there are some of us out here whose opener is 15 off hoping to finish the set in the 28 off range. 


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I support Donski's suggestion. I start with 15 off and hope to finish with a shorter line length. The opening pass and therfore the ski characteristic 15off is quite important.
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  • Baller
I will gladly volunteer to comment for the masses if you want to send me the ski......I pretty much go with the following line length and complete pass percentages 22(100%), 25(100%), 28(90%), 30(75%), 32-32-32-32, etc.(10%)....I use the line with the extra loops....my wife calls them training loops; but, I keep having to correct her...they are NOT! training loops, they' re just different.  At least it makes me feel better about it.
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  • Baller_
My kid got to ski on a 67" at our Memorial Weekend event, and did pretty well.  Wiley's let him Demo it for the weekend.  Although it was a little big for him, he could still turn the thing nicely.  I had no clue on the fin settings, but Adam returned my call quickly - it really helps to have the Manufacturers Rep's cell phone # !  I'd like to try a 68" when one comes available, but I've vowed to not change skis until after Nationals.
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