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67" Elite review by scoke.


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  • Baller


After a few sets of getting minor bugs worked out, fin measurements, boots mounted and wing at correct angle I started really riding this ski. After each set I wrote a few lines of impressions, thoughts etc that I was feeling, thinking and seeing. The review was based on my hand notes of my riding it then correlated to the way the ski works.


The first set on this ski had a very different feeling than sets on my Goode. My initial impression ranged from the ski being fluid moving through the water laterally, reactive to skiers input and having more glide than usual.


The ski feels like it’s riding higher in the water but with any input you can immediately feel the reaction fluidly to move through the water. It offers little resistance to move outbound as it feels as if you are skiing on or in arcs. It is quite reactive as any input you translate to it; the ski will react easily, responsive and not sluggish. It reacts in a positive way but not overly aggressive. Having an increased surface area, the ski is much quicker and allows for long glide times at the gates and glide times into the buoy while bleeding speed if set on a strong arc.


The materials and construction of this ski are obviously different from other skis on the market. Utilizing the RTM, the ski is likely to be symmetrically in construction and composition. This allows for the ski to be consistent with its response to movement, symmetrical turning, acceleration and deceleration. Along with the increased designed width of the ski and the construction process, the Elite is more efficient than other skis. This efficiency is quickly reflected in the extra glide as well as the ability to quickly and easily generate speed with minimal load and force turns once an edge has been established.


First set out of the box I made some minor fin setting updates per Wards recommended numbers. But unfortunately I was measuring with “Jaws†vs. “Tips†therefore my length was too long. It created a “Violent†vs. “Lazy†turn out of 1-3-5. Normally as a RFF, my 1-3-5 turns are relatively consistent but with the long fin settings, the turns were either violent with too much speed or lazy with tip rise to the point of touching the rope with the tip of the ski. After setting the fin up with the tested and recommended numbers, the ski came alive and felt much more controllable: DFT: 0.782, Length: 6.837 (tips), Depth: 2.510, Boots: 29.5â€Â. Fin setting is critical.


Early on, I made passes easily with lots of glide into the buoys while feeling the ski is much quicker. My gate timing on the pullout and the turn in had to be “tempered down†as I’ve got to pullout a half a boat length later than usual at all line lengths. The glide is not excessive but there is plenty of time to glide straight down the lake on the pullout instead of other skis tend to drift back on the boat or hunt for an edge while waiting to make the move through the gates.


One of the first things I learned on this ski, the extra glide has to be accounted for in the pre-turn. Meaning, pre-turn, if you come off the handle too early i.e. “serve lunch†“dump the handleâ€Â, without a strong edge change, the ski will be too hot into the turn. This can give a predictable result in a violent or very aggressive finish of the turn. The ski will react more aggressively if things are executed incorrectly while the window of recovery is smaller compared to other skis. But on the reverse side, the reward is higher if you are near correct in technique, it makes skiing easy with a fluid center of mass maintaining speed through the turn.


Once I had a few sets under my boots of just running buoys it was time to focus on fundamentals of letting the boat initiate the turn on backside of 1-3-5. The ski turned like a dream, especially with halfway proper input. Due to my style, on the 2-4 turns, I had to exaggerate the action of “reeling†the handle out for turn initiation on backside of buoy, very patient into the buoy. This was especially a concern if I pulled a hair too long into the buoy.  Several times I had some very nice 2-4 turns, heard a “swooshing†sound at 2-4 as the ski carved a tight, strong arc around the buoy while I maintained the same speed. Usually if I was on the money with technique, the ski would carve unbelievably. Several people mentioned they had not seen me keep my center of mass moving through the turn like that on 2-4 ever. So that was obviously a strong point of the ski.


Another focus of these sets was the process of edge changing. With the increased surface area, wider ski, every bit of edge change given to this ski it can handle.  Even if the edge change was late or at the buoy, the ski could easily bleed the speed. The increased ski width forces more water off the ski thereby allowing for easy deceleration.

The result of working on the edge change was actually two-fold:

·         The more edge change I had, the earlier I could come off the handle while making a clean turn.

·         The more edge change I had, the “slower†that I felt over the surface of the water. This was ideal as I was still traveling parallel with the boat and advancing on the boat in a swing set position, setting up the turn nice and slow.


For this ski, hinging on styles and height/weight combos, a strong edge chance is crucial. The increased surface area and composite load transferring materials allow for a greater speed generation than a traditional ski. The edge change to decelerate the ski becomes a crucial component to riding this ski.


Several times I caught myself focusing on the turns or loading process instead of the crucial component to riding this ski, edge change. These actions can result in violent skiing and fast skiing. Focusing primarily on the process of edge changing, results in making the other components easy; it might be an ideal way to ride this ski. The load and turn are the easiest parts of the ski versus other skis as the Elite turned symmetrically on both sides. Incorporating minimal load then edge changing is crucial for success on this ski.


Some styles or height/weight combinations could possibly benefit from the easy boost of ski generated speed. If a skier typically does not generate enough speed due to their weight/strength, the ski could fill the void. While this is a quick benefit, if the skier generates too much speed, they might be fighting to slow the ski down while chasing buoys. The stronger of an edge changing skier, the more advantage this ski gives them for success.


Gate timing adjustment might need modification initially due to the increased glide. Since the ski generates more speed with its wider surface area, the pullout and movements towards one ball have to be modified by the skier. Most of the gate success could be seen by shortening movements, keeping them efficient and simple. This will reward a more patient skier while waiting on buoys.


This is a true high end ski. A ski like the Goode 9800/9900 is a high end ski with skiers running 38-41off but also forgiving for the 15/22-34 skier. With the Elite, the skier has to be within the range of fundamentally correct skiing. The increased surface area makes it more reactive and un-reactive. Un-reactive in a sense if the skier makes a mistake i.e.: pulls too long, the skier is going to have to react to the extra speed generated and be able to unload it properly to survive OR the skier is going to un-react and keep it's increased speed of arc while reeling out the handle later into the turn to survive. If not, they are going to be constantly battling their mistakes with the ski dictating their style not vice versa.


If the skiers’ inputs to the ski are correct and on-time, they are going to feel that the course is actually narrow, turn balls are small and skiing is easier than it is. The Elite will do most of the work for the skier as it’s responsive, carving and efficiently fast ; two common problems might crop up quicker due to the increased speed: overworking the ski (forcing the turn, closing off the shoulders, coming off the handle early) and working too long on the ski (pulling too long etc). The more patient, compact or actually fluid the skiers movements are, the easier the ski will be to ride. Physically, if the skier is doing things correctly, the Elite makes skiing easy.


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Thanks for the detailed review.  I've been on the Elite for two months.  Scores in practice about the same as my last ski,(yellow fisher), ie I run 28 off half the time @34.  however, in tournaments, it aint happenin!  At 22 0ff (16 meters to me), I pull a wheelie at 4 or 5 all with loads of tip rise.  Never done that in the past. It can happen onside or offside.  Also if I close off on 2 or 4, & dont stay open, (my offside LFF), the ski just stops.  I'm on a 67". 175 lbs. Boots 29.5 in, L 6838, D2519, DFT 790, wing 7.  Can anyone help or is this ski just too advanced for me.  Also my fin box is corroding really badly!

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  • Baller

might try D2.508-2.510, that will help speed up turns (edge change) both sides.

consider front boot back 1 hole ~ 29.375

try depth change 1st.

if you eventually do both changes and find you're having to step on the front at 2/4, try wing at 8.

it is amazing how each change creates such noticeable differences on this ski.

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Scoke: fantastic review!



Q1.Do many people on the Elite ski @ 36??


Q2.londonskier – would it be a good guess that you maybe using a hardshell + rubber setup?? Like a Reflex and wiley, or something similar??

Also what ZO setting you using?



I used Mapple’s settings as a start and worked from there. I don’t think the ski is too advanced.

mid season If it was super flat and the stars were aligned id get 36-18 (15 off) on my old ski, 3 months ago I got the Elite and getting mid 14/28 off, run it if I feel strong. That’s an improvement of 12 buoys on my PB... in 3 or 4 months. Up to last week that was consistent then took a week off due to weather, sore hands and body and its all gone wrong, hopefully get another good run before the season end.

And before you say it no I don’t work or am anything to do with OB.

Either my old ski was a pile of cr*p (highly likely) or this one is very good.

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  • Baller

"Q1.Do many people on the Elite ski @ 36??"


The Elite is such a new ski so the numbers aren't out there yet.

In Louisiana you've got two badassess riding it at 34, Jones(part time 36'er) and SkiDawg but this is Goode territory for the most part.

At Nationals, Adam Cord rode his very well and I think I saw 2-3 other Mens 1 skiers on it.

Might have been 1 or 2 in the Mens 2 division.


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  • Baller
You guys better locate a 67" CR7 - the one I had sold.  As for 'Dawg's 36mph set, his average is 107 - that equates to 5 @ 38 off at 36mph.  Not sure where the 3 @ 39 off came from.  3.5 @ 38 would be a good compromise - not to mention, fun to watch him throw the ski out around 4 ball to win!
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  • Baller

Can I get in on this?  I'll bet on Dawg.  Big boy has too much heart to be taken down like that.  I'm sure JD would tell the gang I'm good for it if I loose, but it's more probable that he will have to give you my address to send me the check.


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  • Baller


I like the direction my "review" thread has gone. Hilarious.

 Mad: sorry, need to be present to participate. trust me, it's more interesting as MS's southern Canadian drawl starts coming out after drinking cervezas, Dawgs holding a screaming kid while his wife is giving him "the look" while we are trying to negotiate the terms of buoys.


oh snap: i just remembered my girl will be there too.

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Its 2@38 on the yellow CR7. Scoke was messed up on some Abitta purple haze when we made the bet.  

Dawg would run 3@39 58K on the Elite. Crap, he could do that on his old F1.

Someone better call Courtney Gage and get that CR7 there. We could get more fun out of that then the 6 rounds.


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  • Baller


Come on man. Talk about kickin a guy when he's down. No water, a busted up foot and now no gambling. You suck!! Your as bad as C Scott. making me buy his boat when all I got is mud. Man that guy is some salesman. Wish Darwin would have warned me about him.


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  • Baller

Shane - after skiing one of our tournaments, you'll never be the same!  It's a smack talkin', ski tunin', ski swappin', bet makin', beer drinkin', body slammin', PB buoy bash.  And when the "official" tournament is over, they real fun begins.  Those of us who are sane, sit around and gorge on mexican food, beer and pina colodas while the deliquents go and play with each other.

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  • Baller


Have fun with Shane this trip because you may not have him back. He's ok, but I withdrew all future invitations after he broke up with his hot girlfriend last year. The conversation just wasn't as stimulating anymore.  Also takes him out of the topless chicken fighting tournament I hear you guys like to have.

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  • Baller


"after he broke up with his hot girlfriend last year."

Can you post some pics at least?

BTW, i am bringing a CR-7!  oh yes, and a goofy footed trick ski.


MAD11: when you get back on the Orange n black crack like the rest of us, then we'll know he is the ultimate salesman /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-yell.gif


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  • Baller
Please Marc........I did not break up with Wanda. History shows that the hot chicks only keep me for a relatively short time before I find a way to piss em off. The one I really miss is the rich Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader from 3 years back. Oh man, life would be a bit different if I'd have married that one like I should have! lol
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  • Baller


Can't let you bait me into that one. Can only look forward. I did get a new set of liners with some orange on the top so I can feel nostalgic.

Shane, I was trying to build it up like you dumped her. Man you blew it.

Amazing where this Elite reveiw thread has gone. Been productive.


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are you guys talking about trick skiing on my forum? heck I guess any topic is fair.














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I may have to kill you all

















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After I kill you all, I will take the young women to an underground bunker and start rebuilding the human race.













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  • Baller

Okay, I'm in! Gotta remember to grab the trick when at the lake tonight. I rode it once this summer so it shouldn't dust up the Suburban to much. Maybe I could put squeeze out a couple more trick-slalom buoys if I replaced that old (Pre EVA) HO binding with a hardshell...?

Heck, it's even an Obrien. Would Adam be mad if I put an Elite sticker on it?

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