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New Radar Strada Report


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  • Baller_
I had OfficerFriendly in the boat yesterday, watching instead of his usual driving.  Luckily for me because I was having a lousy set, but he could see that I was "forcing" it, instead of letting the boat (a beautiful 07 Response) and my Strada do their jobs.  Amazingly, with the "smoother" approach, I was able to clean up a messy 35, and run -38's back to back.  It's all about patience.
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We were just wondering about that last week.  Heard from Todd Oberg that it wasn't in yet.  Ed Klopher and I plan on trekking up there from Sunland a lot this summer - although we usually are early AM. 

Going skiing with Maxwell today on this side of mountains.

 Tell Matt hi.

 Jam Man

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Please pardon my ignorance, but in RD's picture of the rope above, I was surprised to see that it was not looped over on itself.  I was always taught to not let the rope sit loosely on the pylon like that.  I suppose that extra 2 inches could mean the difference between making a buoy or not.  What does everyone else do?

 Am I also to assume that is the loop referred to in another thread that makes Brenda's ropes unique?



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  • Baller
Brends does such a good job that RD's rope from his MC won't fit my Malibu pylon.  Brenda will ask you when you order what boat you are using.  Her ropes are great, just lift off the pylon and go to next loop.  No "Breaking the knot" or "Looping over".    Oh yea, this is the Strada report so of course buy one of these ropes to use when skiing on your Strada   OF
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Hi Guys


Thought I would join the Fun!  Wally came down a month ago and dropped off a new strada 68" we are finally getting out, Skied Saturday ran into 38 off the dock! wow what a ride I am hoping to get out again this week Weather today 80 degrees!  we are kinda spoiled here I have not been out much although I have unlimited access to private lake only 1/2 hour away from my home( go figure )   Anyway My Pall  Todd Smith has the Strada this week so I will report back his results, Saturday he said it was the most amazing ski he had ever ridden ( he is on a A-1 now ) so we will see? 

I Have high hopes!  Eddie might come down here next month we are talking about a ski clinic/ demo days at our lake maybe end of April

Got to go having dinner with Jam Mans parents tonight!



Joe K

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  • Baller_
I skied pretty crappy last weekend, so that's why there was no report.  Yesterday (Saturday) was the first day of Spring, and almost 70' in Seattle, but other commitments meant no skiing. Today, however, was cold and grey with a little bit of rain, so it was a typical off-season day at the lake.  My son had tried a 66" Strada last fall, but we put him on a 65" today, and it went very well considering he hadn't skied in almost 5 months. I shot some video, but it started to rain during his set, so if there's anything decent I'll do the u-tube thing tomorrow.
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Thanks Richard, I bought a 66 from Eddie (through Darren) and have never skied better, want to try a 65, that "nimble" feeling is just what I'm thinking that 65 will provide. Give us more input when he gets more time on the ski.
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  • Baller_
Sunny in Seattle today, air was almost 65 and the water has made it to the 50' mark. Planted another Rhododendron on the South island and only skied one set today but it was a keeper. My goal of a 105 average is in the cross-hairs ! http://lh3.ggpht.com/_I-Kt0bXum5I/S67tZG54anI/AAAAAAAAAP8/TxboxYE6Jl4/s800/Rhodys.Island.jpg%20%5B800x600%5D.JPGFrom Cool course Pics
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  • Baller

Hey guys and gals,

 I am in the market for a new ski and have read great reviews on the Strada. I am an entry level skier, 34 mph 15 to 22 off. I have been told the Strada is a great ski for every level skier. Question is have you guys found this to be true or is it to high end and should I be looking at something else?  I currenty ski on a Connelly F1 and I do like it however I have not tried anything else and it is time for a new ski.


Thanks Cobber


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  • Baller

Thanks davemac,


Let me know how it goes, we are going to ski our first sets this weekend as well, so it is time for me to do something, very interested in hearing how the ski works for you. Any other input would be great.



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  • Baller


I would also try a Radar Carbon Senate.  It will be great at the speed you are at and take you all the way to -38.  I just switched from the Senate to the Strada and it is a very good ski.  That being said, I could get back on my Senate and be happy as well.  If price is a factor, go with the Senate and you will not be disappointed.  It is one of those skis that you can ride 18 different ways and it will not do anything crazy.  I found it was very good for me as it allowed me to work on my technique and not worry about the ski being a big factor.  What I mean by that is, I have  been on skis that flat rip, but only if you ski on it correctly  If you get a little too far back or forward, you are done. 

If price is not a big deal, I agree with others, the Strada can do it all.  Not that you care, buy I am not one that is brand loyal when it comes to skis.  I use to be, but found when I allowed myself to try different skis, there is a difference.  There is not any one ski that will do it all for all skiers.  Try as many as you can and buy the one that you feel the most comfortable on and allows you to work on you and not worry about your ski.  My opinion is many people buy their ski based on brand loyalty, looks, coolness factor, etc.  Most expensive does not mean best ski. 

All of the above is my opinion, so take it for what it's worth (Probably nothing)

Have fun, because in the end, that is what it is about,




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  • Baller

Hey Cobber,

Following up the earlier reply post I had "whispered" to you.  I usually "lurk" here, but have followed this thread closely.   I'm not the level skier of OF or RD.  Mostly open water (not many courses around here), but hoping to get into the course much more this season.  I've been on the regular Senate the last couple years while getting back into the sport (42yrs, 5-10,190 lbs, 34mph), and felt ready and the need to step it up a bit. I was considering bumping to the Senate C or jumping to the Strada.   Anyway, I was a bit trepidatious & and also skeptical about the Strada being advertised as catering to such a broad range of skiers, and thought it might be too much ski for me.  After email w/Matt Rini and talking to Tadd, I decided to pull the trigger on a 67" Strada. 

The new ski arrived this week (it is so light, I thought the box was empty).  We had an early ice out here in the northeast, and today was 80deg/44water.  Unfortunately, we had some fuel issues in my bud's 196 so we each  only got one run in.  I was bit nervous, and my goals were just to take it easy,   "wake the ski muscles up", and "feel out" the new ski. 

My Verdict...the Strada is the real friggin deal, and as-advertised!!  This ski simply rocks!   Coming off the Senate, I was amazed at how well it holds its speed.  Personally, my biggest struggles are keeping the tip engaged in the cut and being patient enough to let the ski come back under the rope before hooking up.  With the Strada, I had NO problem accomplishing this...which had been just so difficult to me last year.  It takes a great bite in the turn all the while holding speed in a stable & predictable manner.    The other thing I noticed, is that I was able to maintain a much more consistent line tension than in the past, without even having to be as conscious of countering (particularly on the off side) as I was before. 

Initially, I let the ski do most of the work, but couldn't resist "getting on it" a bit.  My finding was that you predictably can get out of it as much as you put into it. I began the day nervous, and now couldn't be more excited about this season.  I can't wait to get back on the water now, and feel the sky is limit w/ this ski...which I can really grow into.  Hopefully this is of some help...coming from a slightly different perspective of an aggressive recreational skier.  Instead of foolishly being intimidated by this ski, I'm now appreciative of its design.    A suggestion might be to demo both the Senate C and Strada...but if you've got the coin, give Tadd a call and pull the trigger on the Strada.


Hope this has been helpful 

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  • Baller

Hey Officer Friendly and davemac,


Thanks for the response and advice, I am not  brand loyal either, thanks to Ballofspray, I can read posts like this and try to narrow my search down a little. I am going to try as many skis as possible, although being from Ontario we do not have easy access to various skis from all manufacturers to try out. I will definitley try a Senate as well. Price is important, however I do want to buy the ski best suited for my style or lack of style, even if it is quite a bit more. Much like you davemac I have talked to Matt and read a lot about this ski being a great ski for any level of skier, and I am happy to hear your report that verifies this. I totally agree the most expensive ski is not always the best, and you have to get a ski that you are comfortable on and you can have some fun and hopefully improve. Now I have to find somewhere in southwest Ontario to try a few skis, or maybe book a holiday down south.



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