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Stargazer to Zero Off


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  • Baller
Just to let everyone know ( if you haven't herd) you can convert over if you have an excaliber engine. Mark Needum had Jody Seal convert his 2004 SN and i just got my 2006 back. Works like a champ. Keith Albritton P.S.- Oh and my cost was $4,200.00 because i have a Limited SN (new Gateway box needed)
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  • Baller
Not every Excaliber is convertible. I have an early 02 and am SOL. My engine did not have a Cam position sensor or crank position sensor (one or the other)so the cost is way beyond my means and I was going to do the work myself. On the plus side though my LE doesn't have a Gateway box.
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  • Baller

Mark, I don't know what the breakdown is. I purchased the ZO for $1,600.00 + The can-buss cable and power wire. Probably around $2,100.00 for parts if i had to guess (Limited needs new gatway box) and 500.00 for install will be close. Keep in mind one day someone may need my old parts (ECM,SG etc,) Keith

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  • Baller
No.  I live on a lake that is totally unskiable.  It sits in the lift all the time while I drive across town to ski.  I put 6-8 hours on it each of the last two years - just early season drysuit skiing and then summertime booze cruising. 
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You know I am wondering if the best way to emulate ZO in the really older boats is to go back to the PP switch and just use manual GPS for setting up.


Example - We skied today and i plugged in a Garmin GPS. My bud was pulling down the boat 3 to 4 km during the pull and it would recover at the ball. I have a PP Switch, set pretty soft (I think) so I probably can tune that to pile on more throttle to maintain speed and keep the GPS constant. This is what Zero Huff does of course to maintain actual speed (v.s. RPM)

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We did this today Kx+ and Px 15 or 20 with the switch. To "gas" more I could use a higher Px. Felt very Zo-ish to me.


BTW Any control algo that is tuned for tight control will experience some overshoot beyond the setpoint (e.g 34.2). Unless it's what we call model-based then control overshoot is more contained.


To maintain boat "speed" you have to work the throttle pretty hard depending on the skier. Today I had a tech look into developing Laptop based software/hardware for a GPS Slalom Pass Tracker - something that collects the Speed and RPM between the 55's or the gates, then plots it.


This way we'll be able to measure boat performance and get one boat close to another in terms of response. ZO or PP

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