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Switching between two skis


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  • Baller

I just took a new job North of Austin, TX and am commuting every other week from Boston. and would like to get some skiing in while I am down there. (looking for a pull also)

 I am currently skiing on a Sixam 1.0 and instead of carting the ski back and forth I was thinking of getting a Sixam SS as my new primary ski and ship my old ski down to Austin. If I set up the skis basically the same, am I still going to run into issues that would affect me going back and forth. I ski into 35off at 34mph.




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  • Baller

I swap between a Monza and an A1 for winter and summer skiing with no problems just swap over the bindings, but I plan to use my Monza as a 2nd ski at a different lake this year so will need an extra set of bindings.


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If you were open water skiing or skiing at 15 off, I would not worry about it. Any of those skis are fine. Jumping around at that level is not an issue. Go have fun.

If you are shortening the rope at all (I see that you are), I want to discourage you from jumping back and forth between skis too much. Even changing bindings a lot can have an effect on your skiing. If you had two skis of the same model and flex with identical bindings it would be less of an issue but two different models will most certainly be determent to your skiing. 

If you have an old Blue and Red Sixam and it has been used much, it is most likely spent. Those skis did not have a super long life expectancy. If it is still fresh, it is a really great ski.

The grey / blue Sixam One and Two are just ok. Not really the best thing that ever came out of O’Brien. (Sorry Adam, I do love my Elite!) I rode a grey Sixam Two at 34 for a season and found it to be super forgiving but looking back am not sure if it helped me learn to be smooth.

I had 2 different SSs. I liked them both but found one to be too soft for my style. That ski went to a friend (28 off – 32 off) who did very well on it. The second one was on the stiff side and I rode it for a year. I really liked that ski. The SS was plenty fast, stable and consistent for me. I am now almost sorry I sold that ski.


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  • Baller

Yeah I am a head case, and this thread is not going to do me any favors the first couple of times I switch.

  As disland said, I wish I could afford two identical (Strada,Elite,Goode) skis but that is not in the cards. The Sixam 1.0 is going to be demoted and only used 2-3 times a month remotely from my home site. I hope it works out for me.

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