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New SN200 Wakes


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I would like to know how many PBs were set behind the 200 this summer by all the B-G-W skiers. Every tourney I was at where the 200 was pulling it seems like there were PBs left and right when the 200 was in the water.

Let it be known that since CC jacked the price of the 200 15k higher then the 196 I no longer drink the Kool-aid. MC and Malibu can talk about wakes all they want but they have a long way to go to catch the 200. Ask any B1 or G1 skier that has skied all 3 boats.       

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  • Baller

I'm w/MS and Scoke.  Have only skied it 28-38 off, but it is the best of the big 3 at those line lengths (though I like it behind all of 'em, and the 196, too).   Give me a gift certificate for the boat of my choice, and I buy the 200 hands down until a new hull knocks it off.  As MS states, it is also a more pleasing wake for many women, boys and girls skiers.  I have a wife and kids to consider...and the 200 would be a real all around winner (though a moot point...I don't have that kind of cash).     

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I'm also a huge fan of the 200 and so are my sons who are in Boys 2 (11) and a first year Boys 3 (14). Malibu pull and wake feels decent and the MC feels good to me at 32' and shorter, but the MC is pretty hard on my 11 yr old especially. He deals with it well and skis similar bouy counts behind all three boats. The 200 just feels better and gives him (and me) more confidence.

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MS wrote "from 28 and in, I could care less what is in front of me as long as there is a good driver"

Ditto what MS said.  Considering the price of a new 200 I seriously doubt I'll even get to ski behind one in the next few years except maybe when I go to Florida for ski school once a summer.  No one around my neck of the woods can afford $60K for a new ski boat.  I did like the one I skied behind at Rini's in August though FWIW.


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I have not skied the SN200 so I can not say one way or another how they feel. I found this on You tube, not sure who the skiers are but it was filmed at Chet Raley's place in West Palm.  Shows the wake at several line lengths. Nothing real long, like 15 but clearly shows 22 thru 38.

Since I don't have Google Chrome, you'll have to follow the link.

Here is another link, again, I do not know the skier. Looks to me that in both the bump is ther and all lenghts depending on the skiers body position when crossing the wake. When they are in good shape, no bump, but when they are not....you be the judge.

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I'm not sure what you're getting at, Chuck. I can without a doubt in my mind say that that the 200 has a wake at slow speed and long line that is FAR better than the MC or Malibu.  There is just no contest. It's not until 35 off that the others(MC and Malibu, can't comment on the Centurion) catch up in any way. 
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I think all the boats have a great wake.  But all I know is that my wife who skis at 15 off 30 mph - 34 mph likes the 200 wake the best for slalom.  So much that I can get a MC for about $7k less than a 200 and she wants the 200.  I look at all the wake's from the side and they all look about the same size, but all that really matters is when you go through them and how they feel to you.  I actually think the 200 wake looks a little bigger than the MC, but is sure feels like there is nothing there going through it.

We are most likely going to get a test ski behind the Centurion in the spring and one women who skied behind it told me that it was really nice at the slower speeds.  But won't know for sure until we get behind it.


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My .02 cents worth is that every one that has skied behind both my 200's that ski slower speeds and at 15 off seem to all agree that the wakes are better then the previous SN, softer and smaller or that the wake is more gradual then steep. As for "ME" I have found that  "ALL" manufacturers have a rough 22' off bump at 34mph. I have since stopped skiing at that line length and decided to learn how to start at 28' off, even if it is the only completed pass I run.Overall it took me a couple of months and some of my own touches to become a believer in the 200. Funny my ski partner prefers to drive the open bow over the closed bow and me I prefer the closed. Both boats are 6 liters and run 13X15.5 oj props. I don’t see any worse fuel consumption then what a MC 5.7 (As I have Cory's boats to compare with or did as he is now moving over to Malibu) is using and only slightly worse then my 6 liter 196. We have the RPM's at slalom speeds in line with a 197 and provided drivers don’t over power it into the course both seem to be very fine and great overall ski boats. My son Stephen now has moved back over to tricking behind the 200 where as since the 196 came out he tricked behind MC's. His opinion is that the trick wakes are a little small on the 200 but with added weight in the rear (100#) the wakes are clean and have a ramp that he prefers for wake tricks, Also the trick table is much improved over the 196. As for jumping because of the exceedingly high ZO Gains in the Q201 program most of the jumpers that utilize these boats will come down 3-5 letters. Side note on the jump program I am going to go back and play with the standard Q200 program with my current prop set up and see how it works.  Overall I think that the 200 has been a breath of fresh air for Nautiques and they have come out with a generally well accepted product in the 200 and it will be around for a few years to come until they come up with something more advanced and better! If that is possible..... To all you "Ballers" out their Happy Thanksgiving !Cheers!!Jody


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  • Baller
Only skied the 200 at one tournament all year.  That said, definitely the nicest, flattest wakes and no spray.  Most interesting to me was the lack of a "trough" next to the wake.  All the other boats have a dip just outside the wake before the whitewash.  The Nautique is basically flat from teh wake on out.  That has to make a difference in how the ski moves into and out of the wakes.  I'd buy one if they weren't so expensive because I think it would be fun to ski behind every day.  Nevertheless, I skied identical scores behind both the 200 and the MC 197 in the same tournament.  The boats are all good enough, and once I get to shortline I have so many other things to worry about that the last thing going through my mind is what boat I'm following!
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